Court Judge name Legal/Technical - Auswählen -Legally qualifiedTechnically qualified Court - Alle -BerufungsgerichtGericht erster Instanz Division Luxemburg (LU) Division - Alle -Paris (FR)München (DE)Section of Milan (IT)Wien (AT)Brüssel (BE)Kopenhagen (DK)Helsinki (FI)Paris (FR)Düsseldorf (DE)Hamburg (DE)Mannheim (DE)München (DE)Mailand (IT)Den Haag (NL)Lissabon (PT)Ljubljana (SI)SchwedenLettlandEstlandLitauen Technical field or technology - Alle -BiotechnologyChemistry and PharmaceuticsElectricityMechanical EngineeringPhysics Judges Results Arwed A. Burrichter Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Biotechnology Arwed Burrichter studied chemistry in Bonn (DE) and Los Angeles (US). He received a doctorate degree in chemistry from the University of Southern California in Los Angeles (US) in 1997 under Nobel Laureate George A. Olah. His PhD studies included a research semester at the Université de Strasbourg (FR). After completing his training as a patent attorney in Germany, he worked for six months in the IP Litigation Practice Group of Fish & Neave LLP in New York (US). Michel Abello Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Michel Abello has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in mechanical engineering. Michael Alt Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Biotechnology Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Michael Alt has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in the following areas: pharma, biotech, chemistry, medical devices. Gabriele Alt Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Biotechnology Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Gabriele Alt has been appointed to the Court in July 2023. Her technical focus is in the following areas: (bio)pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, chemistry and plants. Graham Ashley Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Graham Ashley has been appointed to the Court in August 2023. His technical focus is in mechanical engineering. Pascal Attali Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Pascal Attali has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in electricity. Eric AUGARDE Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Education: • Engineering School of Telecommunications, Paris, 1982 • Postgraduate Degree in Solid State Physics, Marseille, 1983 • International Studies in Industrial Property, Strasbourg, 1993 • Bachelor in Public Law, Lille, 1996 • Master in Business and Industrial Property Law, Lille, 2004 • European Patent Litigation Certificate, Strasbourg, 2006 Professional qualifications: • European and French patent attorney Uwe Ausfelder Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Uwe Ausfelder has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in mechanical and business engineering. Koen Callewaert Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Koen Callewaert has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in engineering. Giorgio Checcacci Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Giorgio Checcacci has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in mechanical engineering. Bertrand Cochet Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Work experience: After first experiences in public research laboratories, Bertrand Cochet joined the European Patent Office in 1998, where he worked until 2008. As a European patent examiner who regularly chaired Examining Divisions, he was in charge of the examination of numerous European patent applications and took part in opposition proceedings, in the field of Telecommunications. Paolo Ernesto Crippa Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Paolo Ernesto Crippa has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in mechanical engineering. Xavier Dorland-Galliot Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Biotechnology Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Xavier Dorland-Galliot has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in July 2023. His technical focus is in the following areas: chemistry and pharmaceutics. Torsten Duhme Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Physics Torsten Duhme has been appointed to the Court in June 2024. His technical focus is in the following areas: electricity and physics. Alain Dumont Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Alain Dumont has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in November 2023. His technical focus is in electronics. Claus Elmeros Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Master of Science in engineering (mechanics) from Aalborg University. Patent Examiner at the European Patent Office in the Netherlands from 1990-1995. Since 1995 Patent Attorney in private practice and since 1997 European Patent Attorney. Court appointed technical expert in patent and design related cases in Denmark since 2007. Part time technical judge at the Maritime and Commercial High Court in Denmark since 2010. Eric Enderlin Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Biotechnology Eric Enderlin has been appointed to the Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in the following areas: chemistry, pharmaceuticals, and biotechnology. Guillaume Faget Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Physics Guillaume Faget has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in July 2023. His technical focus is in electricity and physics. Michael Fleuchaus Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Physics Michael Fleuchaus has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in technical physics. Rainer Friedrich Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Biotechnology Dr Rainer Friedrich has been appointed to the Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in biochemistry. Renaud Fulconis Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Renaud Fulconis has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. In his career, he has been working on cases spanning a large variety of technical fields, including pharma, biotech, medical devices, chemical engineering and others. Frédéric Gaillarde Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Frederic Gaillarde has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in engineering. Nicolai Geier Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Physics Nicolai Geier has been appointed to the Court in August 2023. His technical focus is in the following areas: tribology, materials science and magnetism. Paolo Gerli Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Biotechnology Paolo Gerli has been appointed to the Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in pharmaceutical chemistry and technology. Rudi Goedeweeck Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Rudi Goedeweeck has been appointed to the Court in June 2023. His main technical focus is in chemistry and photophysics. Andreas Gustafsson Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Biotechnology Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Andreas Gustafsson has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in July 2023. His technical focus is in pharmaceutics, chemistry and food technology. Anders Hansson Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Physics 2013: University Diploma “Patent Litigation in Europe”, CEIPI 2012: Supervised internship, Boards of Appeal of the EPO 2012: Swedish Patent Attorney authorization 2011: European Patent Attorney authorization 2008: PhD Mathematics, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) 2003: MSc Engineering Physics, Lund University 1998: Baccalauréat général, Académie de Clermont-Ferrand Anna Hedberg Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Biotechnology Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Anna Hedberg has been appointed to the Court in July 2023. Her technical focus is in the following areas: chemistry, pharmaceuticals and biochemistry. Merja Heikkinen-Keinänen Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Merja Heikkinen-Keinänen has been appointed to the Court in September 2023. Her technical focus lies in mechanical engineering. Hergen Kapels Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Physics Hergen Kapels has been appointed to the Court in August 2023. His technical focus is in electricity and physics. Krister Karlsson Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Biotechnology content to be updated Christian Keller Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Physics Christian Keller has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2024. In his career, he has been working in many technical fields, including patent examination, physics and communication systems. His technical focus is in the following areas: electricity and physics. Ulrike Keltsch Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Physics Ulrike Keltsch has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. Her technical focus is in the following areas: electrical engineering, communication networks, data processing, medical technologies, semiconductor physics, optics and telecommunications. Steven Richard Kitchen Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Physics Steven Richard Kitchen has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2024. His technical focus is in the fields of electricity and physics. Dennis Kretschmann Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Dennis Kretschmann has been appointed to the Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in the following areas: physics, optics, electrical engineering, IT, and software. Bernard LEDEBOER Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Bernard Ledeboer works as part time Technically Qualified Judge at the Unified Patent Court in the field of Mechanics. Bernard has been active in patents since 1996. He holds an MSc in Mechanical Engineering from TU Delft, and an LLM in Intellectual property litigation from Nottingham Law school. Klaus Loibner Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Physics Klaus Loibner has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in July 2023. His technical focus is in telecommunications, electronics, electrical engineering as well as instrumentation and control engineering, computer science and computer implemented inventions. Udo Matter Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Physics Udo Matter has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in September 2023. His technical focus is in electronics, especially telecommunications, and in physics. Jeroen Meewisse Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Mechanical Engineering Jeroen Meewisse has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in July 2023. His technical focus is in the following areas: mechanical engineering, chemistry and pharmaceutics. Johannes Mesa Pascasio Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Physics Johannes Mesa Pascasio has been appointed to the Court in June 2024. His technical focus is in the following areas: electricity and physics. Gérard Myon Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Physics Gérard Myon has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in physics and engineering. Christoph Norrenbrock Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Physics Christoph Norrenbrock has been appointed to the Court in June 2024. His technical focus is in electricity and physics. Dörte Otten-Dünnweber Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Physics Born in 1963 in Hildesheim (Germany), Dörte Otten-Dünnweber studied physics at the Universities of Bonn, Münster and Munich (Germany). She graduated from the LMU Munich (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München) with a Diploma in Physics, followed by a Doctorate in Physics at the TU Munich (Technische Universität München). She joined the German Patent and Trade Mark Office (Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt) in 2004, where she worked as a patent examiner and group leader. Elisabetta Papa Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Education • Master Degree in Mechanical Engineering, • Ph.D. in Biomechanics, • Diplộme d’Université in Patent Litigation in Europe (University of Strasbourg), • Diplộme CEIPI in the Training Program for Technically Qualified Judges of the UPC (2015). Experience and Memberships • Practicing since 1999, European Patent Attorney with wide experience in Italian and European patent prosecution and litigation, including opposition and appeal procedures before the EPO. Stefanie Parchmann Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Stefanie Parchmann has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. Her technical focus is in the following areas: analytical chemistry and biochemistry. Andrea PERRONACE Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Physics Andrea Perronace got a Master Degree in Physics (Rome) and a Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry (Paris), with a thesis on parallel computers simulation of molecular systems. He has worked in private practice for more than 21 years. He is a former external expert for the European Commission in the field of Anti-Counterfeiting and has been admitted as a Court Expert before the Specialized Intellectual Property Section of the Court of Rome. Andrea Perronace is a full member of the European Patent Practice Committee (epi), serving in the ICT Group and Guidelines subcommittees. John Meidahl Petersen Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Chemistry and Pharmaceutics John M. Petersen has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is mostly in chemistry. Stefanie Philipps Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Stefanie Philipps has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in August 2023. Her technical focus is in chemistry and process engineering. Michael Quittkat Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Michael Quittkat has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2024. His technical focus is in the field of electricity. Kerstin Roselinger Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Kerstin Roselinger has been appointed to the Court in July 2023. Her technical focus is in mechanical engineering. Patrik Rydman Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Physics Patrik Rydman has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in applied physics and electrical engineering. Wiem Samoud Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Physics Wiem Samoud has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in July 2023. Her technical focus is in the following areas: electricity and physics. Alessandro Sanchini Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Mechanical Engineering Alessandro Sanchini has been appointed to the Court in June 2023. His technical focus lies in electronic engineering, telecommunications and computer science, although his education and work experience encompass the electromechanical and mechanical fields. Alessandra Sani Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Physics Alessandra Sani has been appointed to the Court in October 2023. Her technical focus is in the following areas: physics and electricity. Laure Sarlin Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Laure Sarlin has been appointed to the Court in June 2023. Her technical focus is in the following areas: chemistry and biochemistry. Beate Schenk Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Beate Schenk has been appointed to the Court in August 2023. Her technical focus is in mechanical engineering. Martin Schmidt Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Martin Schmidt has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in chemistry and physics. Christoph D. Schober Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Physics Christoph Schober comes from Saarbrücken, Germany. After graduating from grammar school in 1989, he completed his military service in Koblenz, Germany. From 1990 to 1995, he studied mechanical and process engineering at the University of Kaiserslautern and graduated with a degree in engineering. He then trained as a patent attorney in Düsseldorf and Munich and was admitted as a German patent attorney in 2000. Cornelis Schüller Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Biotechnology Cornelis is currently a substitute judge at the District Court in the Hague since 2018. Before his retirement he was for 15 years Head of the Patent Department at Nestlé. Earlier assignments were in biopharma and food companies in the Netherlands and Belgium. He is a Dutch, Swiss and European patent attorney with Master degrees in Law, Biochemistry and Chemical Engineering and a PhD in Molecular Biology. Uwe Schwengelbeck Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Uwe Schwengelbeck has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in the fields of mechanics, electronics and physics. Andrea SCILLETTA Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Mr Scilletta holds a degree in Electronic Engineering and is a European Patent Attorney, an Italian IP Attorney admitted before the Community OHIM for Trademarks and Designs and he holds the European Patent Litigation Certificate from the Politecnico of Milan. He is a member of Council of the Italian Industrial Property Consultants Institute. Mr Scilletta serves as Court Expert in patent, design and copyright lawsuits in Italy. Anthony Soledade Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Physics Anthony Soledade has been appointed as Technically Qualified Judge at the Unified Patent Court in 2024. His technical expertise is in physics and electricity. Casper STRUVE Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Chemistry and Pharmaceutics As a Danish national with a M.Sc. in Organic Chemistry from the University of Copenhagen (2003), I have a strong foundation in the subject. During my studies, I co-authored three peer-reviewed publications in the field of organic chemistry. After completing my studies, I worked as a synthetic organic chemist for a small biotech company, where I co-invented novel sensor chemistry technology that resulted in the grant of three European patents. I then entered the patent profession in 2006, where I qualified as a European Patent Attorney in 2011. Jochen Thomas Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Jochen Thomas' technical focus is on electricity, especially semiconductor devices and the related assembly and interconnect technology. Max Wilhelm Tilmann Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Max Tilmann has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in mechanical engineering. Marc van der Burg Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Marc van der Burg has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in July 2023. His technical focus is in the field of mechanical engineering. Marie-Paule Vandeberg Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Marie-Paule Vandeberg has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. Her technical focus is in chemical and agricultural industry engineering. Patrice Vidon Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Patrice Vidon has been appointed to the Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in the following areas: Mechanics; metallurgy; industrial processes; sound and image processing; telecommunications, incl. SEP Steen Wadskov-Hansen Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Steen Wadskov-Hansen has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in the following areas: organic chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, renewable energy and food technology. Carola Wagner Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Born in 1966 in Munich, Germany, Ms Carola Wagner obtained a Diploma Degree in Chemistry from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) in 1992. She pursued doctoral studies at the TUM, where she defended her thesis in 1995. From 1995 to 1997 she was a postdoctoral researcher at the TUM and the CPE in Lyon. Between 1998 and 1999 she worked for an American chemical company. Ms Wagner joined as patent examiner the German Patent and Trade Mark Office in Munich in 1999. In 2014 she was appointed as Technically Qualified Judge at the Federal Patent Court of Germany. Simon Walker Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Simon Walker has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in the following areas: physics and electricity. Pascal Weber Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Pascal Weber has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in mechanical engineering, in particular medical devices. Oliver Werner Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Biotechnology Oliver Werner has been appointed to the Court in June 2024. His technical focus is in the area of biotechnology. Stefan Wilhelm Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Stefan Wilhelm has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is mechanical engineering, chemistry, physics and material science and processing. Erwin Wismeth Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Physics Erwin Wismeth has been appointed to the Court in July 2023. His technical focus is in the following areas: chemistry and physics.
Court Judge name Legal/Technical - Auswählen -Legally qualifiedTechnically qualified Court - Alle -BerufungsgerichtGericht erster Instanz Division Luxemburg (LU) Division - Alle -Paris (FR)München (DE)Section of Milan (IT)Wien (AT)Brüssel (BE)Kopenhagen (DK)Helsinki (FI)Paris (FR)Düsseldorf (DE)Hamburg (DE)Mannheim (DE)München (DE)Mailand (IT)Den Haag (NL)Lissabon (PT)Ljubljana (SI)SchwedenLettlandEstlandLitauen Technical field or technology - Alle -BiotechnologyChemistry and PharmaceuticsElectricityMechanical EngineeringPhysics Judges Results Arwed A. Burrichter Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Biotechnology Arwed Burrichter studied chemistry in Bonn (DE) and Los Angeles (US). He received a doctorate degree in chemistry from the University of Southern California in Los Angeles (US) in 1997 under Nobel Laureate George A. Olah. His PhD studies included a research semester at the Université de Strasbourg (FR). After completing his training as a patent attorney in Germany, he worked for six months in the IP Litigation Practice Group of Fish & Neave LLP in New York (US). Michel Abello Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Michel Abello has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in mechanical engineering. Michael Alt Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Biotechnology Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Michael Alt has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in the following areas: pharma, biotech, chemistry, medical devices. Gabriele Alt Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Biotechnology Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Gabriele Alt has been appointed to the Court in July 2023. Her technical focus is in the following areas: (bio)pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, chemistry and plants. Graham Ashley Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Graham Ashley has been appointed to the Court in August 2023. His technical focus is in mechanical engineering. Pascal Attali Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Pascal Attali has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in electricity. Eric AUGARDE Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Education: • Engineering School of Telecommunications, Paris, 1982 • Postgraduate Degree in Solid State Physics, Marseille, 1983 • International Studies in Industrial Property, Strasbourg, 1993 • Bachelor in Public Law, Lille, 1996 • Master in Business and Industrial Property Law, Lille, 2004 • European Patent Litigation Certificate, Strasbourg, 2006 Professional qualifications: • European and French patent attorney Uwe Ausfelder Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Uwe Ausfelder has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in mechanical and business engineering. Koen Callewaert Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Koen Callewaert has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in engineering. Giorgio Checcacci Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Giorgio Checcacci has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in mechanical engineering. Bertrand Cochet Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Work experience: After first experiences in public research laboratories, Bertrand Cochet joined the European Patent Office in 1998, where he worked until 2008. As a European patent examiner who regularly chaired Examining Divisions, he was in charge of the examination of numerous European patent applications and took part in opposition proceedings, in the field of Telecommunications. Paolo Ernesto Crippa Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Paolo Ernesto Crippa has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in mechanical engineering. Xavier Dorland-Galliot Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Biotechnology Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Xavier Dorland-Galliot has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in July 2023. His technical focus is in the following areas: chemistry and pharmaceutics. Torsten Duhme Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Physics Torsten Duhme has been appointed to the Court in June 2024. His technical focus is in the following areas: electricity and physics. Alain Dumont Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Alain Dumont has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in November 2023. His technical focus is in electronics. Claus Elmeros Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Master of Science in engineering (mechanics) from Aalborg University. Patent Examiner at the European Patent Office in the Netherlands from 1990-1995. Since 1995 Patent Attorney in private practice and since 1997 European Patent Attorney. Court appointed technical expert in patent and design related cases in Denmark since 2007. Part time technical judge at the Maritime and Commercial High Court in Denmark since 2010. Eric Enderlin Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Biotechnology Eric Enderlin has been appointed to the Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in the following areas: chemistry, pharmaceuticals, and biotechnology. Guillaume Faget Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Physics Guillaume Faget has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in July 2023. His technical focus is in electricity and physics. Michael Fleuchaus Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Physics Michael Fleuchaus has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in technical physics. Rainer Friedrich Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Biotechnology Dr Rainer Friedrich has been appointed to the Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in biochemistry. Renaud Fulconis Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Renaud Fulconis has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. In his career, he has been working on cases spanning a large variety of technical fields, including pharma, biotech, medical devices, chemical engineering and others. Frédéric Gaillarde Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Frederic Gaillarde has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in engineering. Nicolai Geier Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Physics Nicolai Geier has been appointed to the Court in August 2023. His technical focus is in the following areas: tribology, materials science and magnetism. Paolo Gerli Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Biotechnology Paolo Gerli has been appointed to the Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in pharmaceutical chemistry and technology. Rudi Goedeweeck Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Rudi Goedeweeck has been appointed to the Court in June 2023. His main technical focus is in chemistry and photophysics. Andreas Gustafsson Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Biotechnology Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Andreas Gustafsson has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in July 2023. His technical focus is in pharmaceutics, chemistry and food technology. Anders Hansson Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Physics 2013: University Diploma “Patent Litigation in Europe”, CEIPI 2012: Supervised internship, Boards of Appeal of the EPO 2012: Swedish Patent Attorney authorization 2011: European Patent Attorney authorization 2008: PhD Mathematics, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) 2003: MSc Engineering Physics, Lund University 1998: Baccalauréat général, Académie de Clermont-Ferrand Anna Hedberg Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Biotechnology Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Anna Hedberg has been appointed to the Court in July 2023. Her technical focus is in the following areas: chemistry, pharmaceuticals and biochemistry. Merja Heikkinen-Keinänen Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Merja Heikkinen-Keinänen has been appointed to the Court in September 2023. Her technical focus lies in mechanical engineering. Hergen Kapels Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Physics Hergen Kapels has been appointed to the Court in August 2023. His technical focus is in electricity and physics. Krister Karlsson Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Biotechnology content to be updated Christian Keller Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Physics Christian Keller has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2024. In his career, he has been working in many technical fields, including patent examination, physics and communication systems. His technical focus is in the following areas: electricity and physics. Ulrike Keltsch Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Physics Ulrike Keltsch has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. Her technical focus is in the following areas: electrical engineering, communication networks, data processing, medical technologies, semiconductor physics, optics and telecommunications. Steven Richard Kitchen Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Physics Steven Richard Kitchen has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2024. His technical focus is in the fields of electricity and physics. Dennis Kretschmann Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Dennis Kretschmann has been appointed to the Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in the following areas: physics, optics, electrical engineering, IT, and software. Bernard LEDEBOER Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Bernard Ledeboer works as part time Technically Qualified Judge at the Unified Patent Court in the field of Mechanics. Bernard has been active in patents since 1996. He holds an MSc in Mechanical Engineering from TU Delft, and an LLM in Intellectual property litigation from Nottingham Law school. Klaus Loibner Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Physics Klaus Loibner has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in July 2023. His technical focus is in telecommunications, electronics, electrical engineering as well as instrumentation and control engineering, computer science and computer implemented inventions. Udo Matter Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Physics Udo Matter has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in September 2023. His technical focus is in electronics, especially telecommunications, and in physics. Jeroen Meewisse Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Mechanical Engineering Jeroen Meewisse has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in July 2023. His technical focus is in the following areas: mechanical engineering, chemistry and pharmaceutics. Johannes Mesa Pascasio Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Physics Johannes Mesa Pascasio has been appointed to the Court in June 2024. His technical focus is in the following areas: electricity and physics. Gérard Myon Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Physics Gérard Myon has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in physics and engineering. Christoph Norrenbrock Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Physics Christoph Norrenbrock has been appointed to the Court in June 2024. His technical focus is in electricity and physics. Dörte Otten-Dünnweber Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Physics Born in 1963 in Hildesheim (Germany), Dörte Otten-Dünnweber studied physics at the Universities of Bonn, Münster and Munich (Germany). She graduated from the LMU Munich (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München) with a Diploma in Physics, followed by a Doctorate in Physics at the TU Munich (Technische Universität München). She joined the German Patent and Trade Mark Office (Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt) in 2004, where she worked as a patent examiner and group leader. Elisabetta Papa Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Education • Master Degree in Mechanical Engineering, • Ph.D. in Biomechanics, • Diplộme d’Université in Patent Litigation in Europe (University of Strasbourg), • Diplộme CEIPI in the Training Program for Technically Qualified Judges of the UPC (2015). Experience and Memberships • Practicing since 1999, European Patent Attorney with wide experience in Italian and European patent prosecution and litigation, including opposition and appeal procedures before the EPO. Stefanie Parchmann Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Stefanie Parchmann has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. Her technical focus is in the following areas: analytical chemistry and biochemistry. Andrea PERRONACE Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Physics Andrea Perronace got a Master Degree in Physics (Rome) and a Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry (Paris), with a thesis on parallel computers simulation of molecular systems. He has worked in private practice for more than 21 years. He is a former external expert for the European Commission in the field of Anti-Counterfeiting and has been admitted as a Court Expert before the Specialized Intellectual Property Section of the Court of Rome. Andrea Perronace is a full member of the European Patent Practice Committee (epi), serving in the ICT Group and Guidelines subcommittees. John Meidahl Petersen Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Chemistry and Pharmaceutics John M. Petersen has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is mostly in chemistry. Stefanie Philipps Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Stefanie Philipps has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in August 2023. Her technical focus is in chemistry and process engineering. Michael Quittkat Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Michael Quittkat has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2024. His technical focus is in the field of electricity. Kerstin Roselinger Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Kerstin Roselinger has been appointed to the Court in July 2023. Her technical focus is in mechanical engineering. Patrik Rydman Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Physics Patrik Rydman has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in applied physics and electrical engineering. Wiem Samoud Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Physics Wiem Samoud has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in July 2023. Her technical focus is in the following areas: electricity and physics. Alessandro Sanchini Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Mechanical Engineering Alessandro Sanchini has been appointed to the Court in June 2023. His technical focus lies in electronic engineering, telecommunications and computer science, although his education and work experience encompass the electromechanical and mechanical fields. Alessandra Sani Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Physics Alessandra Sani has been appointed to the Court in October 2023. Her technical focus is in the following areas: physics and electricity. Laure Sarlin Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Laure Sarlin has been appointed to the Court in June 2023. Her technical focus is in the following areas: chemistry and biochemistry. Beate Schenk Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Beate Schenk has been appointed to the Court in August 2023. Her technical focus is in mechanical engineering. Martin Schmidt Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Martin Schmidt has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in chemistry and physics. Christoph D. Schober Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Physics Christoph Schober comes from Saarbrücken, Germany. After graduating from grammar school in 1989, he completed his military service in Koblenz, Germany. From 1990 to 1995, he studied mechanical and process engineering at the University of Kaiserslautern and graduated with a degree in engineering. He then trained as a patent attorney in Düsseldorf and Munich and was admitted as a German patent attorney in 2000. Cornelis Schüller Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Biotechnology Cornelis is currently a substitute judge at the District Court in the Hague since 2018. Before his retirement he was for 15 years Head of the Patent Department at Nestlé. Earlier assignments were in biopharma and food companies in the Netherlands and Belgium. He is a Dutch, Swiss and European patent attorney with Master degrees in Law, Biochemistry and Chemical Engineering and a PhD in Molecular Biology. Uwe Schwengelbeck Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Uwe Schwengelbeck has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in the fields of mechanics, electronics and physics. Andrea SCILLETTA Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Mr Scilletta holds a degree in Electronic Engineering and is a European Patent Attorney, an Italian IP Attorney admitted before the Community OHIM for Trademarks and Designs and he holds the European Patent Litigation Certificate from the Politecnico of Milan. He is a member of Council of the Italian Industrial Property Consultants Institute. Mr Scilletta serves as Court Expert in patent, design and copyright lawsuits in Italy. Anthony Soledade Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Physics Anthony Soledade has been appointed as Technically Qualified Judge at the Unified Patent Court in 2024. His technical expertise is in physics and electricity. Casper STRUVE Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Chemistry and Pharmaceutics As a Danish national with a M.Sc. in Organic Chemistry from the University of Copenhagen (2003), I have a strong foundation in the subject. During my studies, I co-authored three peer-reviewed publications in the field of organic chemistry. After completing my studies, I worked as a synthetic organic chemist for a small biotech company, where I co-invented novel sensor chemistry technology that resulted in the grant of three European patents. I then entered the patent profession in 2006, where I qualified as a European Patent Attorney in 2011. Jochen Thomas Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Jochen Thomas' technical focus is on electricity, especially semiconductor devices and the related assembly and interconnect technology. Max Wilhelm Tilmann Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Max Tilmann has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in mechanical engineering. Marc van der Burg Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Marc van der Burg has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in July 2023. His technical focus is in the field of mechanical engineering. Marie-Paule Vandeberg Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Marie-Paule Vandeberg has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. Her technical focus is in chemical and agricultural industry engineering. Patrice Vidon Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Patrice Vidon has been appointed to the Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in the following areas: Mechanics; metallurgy; industrial processes; sound and image processing; telecommunications, incl. SEP Steen Wadskov-Hansen Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Steen Wadskov-Hansen has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in the following areas: organic chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, renewable energy and food technology. Carola Wagner Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Born in 1966 in Munich, Germany, Ms Carola Wagner obtained a Diploma Degree in Chemistry from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) in 1992. She pursued doctoral studies at the TUM, where she defended her thesis in 1995. From 1995 to 1997 she was a postdoctoral researcher at the TUM and the CPE in Lyon. Between 1998 and 1999 she worked for an American chemical company. Ms Wagner joined as patent examiner the German Patent and Trade Mark Office in Munich in 1999. In 2014 she was appointed as Technically Qualified Judge at the Federal Patent Court of Germany. Simon Walker Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Simon Walker has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in the following areas: physics and electricity. Pascal Weber Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Pascal Weber has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in mechanical engineering, in particular medical devices. Oliver Werner Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Biotechnology Oliver Werner has been appointed to the Court in June 2024. His technical focus is in the area of biotechnology. Stefan Wilhelm Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Stefan Wilhelm has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is mechanical engineering, chemistry, physics and material science and processing. Erwin Wismeth Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Physics Erwin Wismeth has been appointed to the Court in July 2023. His technical focus is in the following areas: chemistry and physics.
Arwed A. Burrichter Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Biotechnology Arwed Burrichter studied chemistry in Bonn (DE) and Los Angeles (US). He received a doctorate degree in chemistry from the University of Southern California in Los Angeles (US) in 1997 under Nobel Laureate George A. Olah. His PhD studies included a research semester at the Université de Strasbourg (FR). After completing his training as a patent attorney in Germany, he worked for six months in the IP Litigation Practice Group of Fish & Neave LLP in New York (US).
Michel Abello Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Michel Abello has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in mechanical engineering.
Michael Alt Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Biotechnology Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Michael Alt has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in the following areas: pharma, biotech, chemistry, medical devices.
Gabriele Alt Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Biotechnology Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Gabriele Alt has been appointed to the Court in July 2023. Her technical focus is in the following areas: (bio)pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, chemistry and plants.
Graham Ashley Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Graham Ashley has been appointed to the Court in August 2023. His technical focus is in mechanical engineering.
Pascal Attali Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Pascal Attali has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in electricity.
Eric AUGARDE Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Education: • Engineering School of Telecommunications, Paris, 1982 • Postgraduate Degree in Solid State Physics, Marseille, 1983 • International Studies in Industrial Property, Strasbourg, 1993 • Bachelor in Public Law, Lille, 1996 • Master in Business and Industrial Property Law, Lille, 2004 • European Patent Litigation Certificate, Strasbourg, 2006 Professional qualifications: • European and French patent attorney
Uwe Ausfelder Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Uwe Ausfelder has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in mechanical and business engineering.
Koen Callewaert Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Koen Callewaert has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in engineering.
Giorgio Checcacci Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Giorgio Checcacci has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in mechanical engineering.
Bertrand Cochet Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Work experience: After first experiences in public research laboratories, Bertrand Cochet joined the European Patent Office in 1998, where he worked until 2008. As a European patent examiner who regularly chaired Examining Divisions, he was in charge of the examination of numerous European patent applications and took part in opposition proceedings, in the field of Telecommunications.
Paolo Ernesto Crippa Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Paolo Ernesto Crippa has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in mechanical engineering.
Xavier Dorland-Galliot Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Biotechnology Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Xavier Dorland-Galliot has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in July 2023. His technical focus is in the following areas: chemistry and pharmaceutics.
Torsten Duhme Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Physics Torsten Duhme has been appointed to the Court in June 2024. His technical focus is in the following areas: electricity and physics.
Alain Dumont Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Alain Dumont has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in November 2023. His technical focus is in electronics.
Claus Elmeros Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Master of Science in engineering (mechanics) from Aalborg University. Patent Examiner at the European Patent Office in the Netherlands from 1990-1995. Since 1995 Patent Attorney in private practice and since 1997 European Patent Attorney. Court appointed technical expert in patent and design related cases in Denmark since 2007. Part time technical judge at the Maritime and Commercial High Court in Denmark since 2010.
Eric Enderlin Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Biotechnology Eric Enderlin has been appointed to the Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in the following areas: chemistry, pharmaceuticals, and biotechnology.
Guillaume Faget Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Physics Guillaume Faget has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in July 2023. His technical focus is in electricity and physics.
Michael Fleuchaus Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Physics Michael Fleuchaus has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in technical physics.
Rainer Friedrich Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Biotechnology Dr Rainer Friedrich has been appointed to the Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in biochemistry.
Renaud Fulconis Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Renaud Fulconis has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. In his career, he has been working on cases spanning a large variety of technical fields, including pharma, biotech, medical devices, chemical engineering and others.
Frédéric Gaillarde Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Frederic Gaillarde has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in engineering.
Nicolai Geier Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Physics Nicolai Geier has been appointed to the Court in August 2023. His technical focus is in the following areas: tribology, materials science and magnetism.
Paolo Gerli Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Biotechnology Paolo Gerli has been appointed to the Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in pharmaceutical chemistry and technology.
Rudi Goedeweeck Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Rudi Goedeweeck has been appointed to the Court in June 2023. His main technical focus is in chemistry and photophysics.
Andreas Gustafsson Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Biotechnology Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Andreas Gustafsson has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in July 2023. His technical focus is in pharmaceutics, chemistry and food technology.
Anders Hansson Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Physics 2013: University Diploma “Patent Litigation in Europe”, CEIPI 2012: Supervised internship, Boards of Appeal of the EPO 2012: Swedish Patent Attorney authorization 2011: European Patent Attorney authorization 2008: PhD Mathematics, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) 2003: MSc Engineering Physics, Lund University 1998: Baccalauréat général, Académie de Clermont-Ferrand
Anna Hedberg Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Biotechnology Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Anna Hedberg has been appointed to the Court in July 2023. Her technical focus is in the following areas: chemistry, pharmaceuticals and biochemistry.
Merja Heikkinen-Keinänen Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Merja Heikkinen-Keinänen has been appointed to the Court in September 2023. Her technical focus lies in mechanical engineering.
Hergen Kapels Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Physics Hergen Kapels has been appointed to the Court in August 2023. His technical focus is in electricity and physics.
Christian Keller Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Physics Christian Keller has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2024. In his career, he has been working in many technical fields, including patent examination, physics and communication systems. His technical focus is in the following areas: electricity and physics.
Ulrike Keltsch Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Physics Ulrike Keltsch has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. Her technical focus is in the following areas: electrical engineering, communication networks, data processing, medical technologies, semiconductor physics, optics and telecommunications.
Steven Richard Kitchen Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Physics Steven Richard Kitchen has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2024. His technical focus is in the fields of electricity and physics.
Dennis Kretschmann Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Dennis Kretschmann has been appointed to the Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in the following areas: physics, optics, electrical engineering, IT, and software.
Bernard LEDEBOER Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Bernard Ledeboer works as part time Technically Qualified Judge at the Unified Patent Court in the field of Mechanics. Bernard has been active in patents since 1996. He holds an MSc in Mechanical Engineering from TU Delft, and an LLM in Intellectual property litigation from Nottingham Law school.
Klaus Loibner Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Physics Klaus Loibner has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in July 2023. His technical focus is in telecommunications, electronics, electrical engineering as well as instrumentation and control engineering, computer science and computer implemented inventions.
Udo Matter Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Physics Udo Matter has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in September 2023. His technical focus is in electronics, especially telecommunications, and in physics.
Jeroen Meewisse Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Mechanical Engineering Jeroen Meewisse has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in July 2023. His technical focus is in the following areas: mechanical engineering, chemistry and pharmaceutics.
Johannes Mesa Pascasio Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Physics Johannes Mesa Pascasio has been appointed to the Court in June 2024. His technical focus is in the following areas: electricity and physics.
Gérard Myon Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Physics Gérard Myon has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in physics and engineering.
Christoph Norrenbrock Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Physics Christoph Norrenbrock has been appointed to the Court in June 2024. His technical focus is in electricity and physics.
Dörte Otten-Dünnweber Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Physics Born in 1963 in Hildesheim (Germany), Dörte Otten-Dünnweber studied physics at the Universities of Bonn, Münster and Munich (Germany). She graduated from the LMU Munich (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München) with a Diploma in Physics, followed by a Doctorate in Physics at the TU Munich (Technische Universität München). She joined the German Patent and Trade Mark Office (Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt) in 2004, where she worked as a patent examiner and group leader.
Elisabetta Papa Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Education • Master Degree in Mechanical Engineering, • Ph.D. in Biomechanics, • Diplộme d’Université in Patent Litigation in Europe (University of Strasbourg), • Diplộme CEIPI in the Training Program for Technically Qualified Judges of the UPC (2015). Experience and Memberships • Practicing since 1999, European Patent Attorney with wide experience in Italian and European patent prosecution and litigation, including opposition and appeal procedures before the EPO.
Stefanie Parchmann Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Stefanie Parchmann has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. Her technical focus is in the following areas: analytical chemistry and biochemistry.
Andrea PERRONACE Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Physics Andrea Perronace got a Master Degree in Physics (Rome) and a Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry (Paris), with a thesis on parallel computers simulation of molecular systems. He has worked in private practice for more than 21 years. He is a former external expert for the European Commission in the field of Anti-Counterfeiting and has been admitted as a Court Expert before the Specialized Intellectual Property Section of the Court of Rome. Andrea Perronace is a full member of the European Patent Practice Committee (epi), serving in the ICT Group and Guidelines subcommittees.
John Meidahl Petersen Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Chemistry and Pharmaceutics John M. Petersen has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is mostly in chemistry.
Stefanie Philipps Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Stefanie Philipps has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in August 2023. Her technical focus is in chemistry and process engineering.
Michael Quittkat Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Michael Quittkat has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2024. His technical focus is in the field of electricity.
Kerstin Roselinger Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Kerstin Roselinger has been appointed to the Court in July 2023. Her technical focus is in mechanical engineering.
Patrik Rydman Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Physics Patrik Rydman has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in applied physics and electrical engineering.
Wiem Samoud Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Physics Wiem Samoud has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in July 2023. Her technical focus is in the following areas: electricity and physics.
Alessandro Sanchini Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Mechanical Engineering Alessandro Sanchini has been appointed to the Court in June 2023. His technical focus lies in electronic engineering, telecommunications and computer science, although his education and work experience encompass the electromechanical and mechanical fields.
Alessandra Sani Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Physics Alessandra Sani has been appointed to the Court in October 2023. Her technical focus is in the following areas: physics and electricity.
Laure Sarlin Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Laure Sarlin has been appointed to the Court in June 2023. Her technical focus is in the following areas: chemistry and biochemistry.
Beate Schenk Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Beate Schenk has been appointed to the Court in August 2023. Her technical focus is in mechanical engineering.
Martin Schmidt Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Martin Schmidt has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in chemistry and physics.
Christoph D. Schober Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Physics Christoph Schober comes from Saarbrücken, Germany. After graduating from grammar school in 1989, he completed his military service in Koblenz, Germany. From 1990 to 1995, he studied mechanical and process engineering at the University of Kaiserslautern and graduated with a degree in engineering. He then trained as a patent attorney in Düsseldorf and Munich and was admitted as a German patent attorney in 2000.
Cornelis Schüller Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Biotechnology Cornelis is currently a substitute judge at the District Court in the Hague since 2018. Before his retirement he was for 15 years Head of the Patent Department at Nestlé. Earlier assignments were in biopharma and food companies in the Netherlands and Belgium. He is a Dutch, Swiss and European patent attorney with Master degrees in Law, Biochemistry and Chemical Engineering and a PhD in Molecular Biology.
Uwe Schwengelbeck Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Uwe Schwengelbeck has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in the fields of mechanics, electronics and physics.
Andrea SCILLETTA Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Mr Scilletta holds a degree in Electronic Engineering and is a European Patent Attorney, an Italian IP Attorney admitted before the Community OHIM for Trademarks and Designs and he holds the European Patent Litigation Certificate from the Politecnico of Milan. He is a member of Council of the Italian Industrial Property Consultants Institute. Mr Scilletta serves as Court Expert in patent, design and copyright lawsuits in Italy.
Anthony Soledade Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Physics Anthony Soledade has been appointed as Technically Qualified Judge at the Unified Patent Court in 2024. His technical expertise is in physics and electricity.
Casper STRUVE Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Chemistry and Pharmaceutics As a Danish national with a M.Sc. in Organic Chemistry from the University of Copenhagen (2003), I have a strong foundation in the subject. During my studies, I co-authored three peer-reviewed publications in the field of organic chemistry. After completing my studies, I worked as a synthetic organic chemist for a small biotech company, where I co-invented novel sensor chemistry technology that resulted in the grant of three European patents. I then entered the patent profession in 2006, where I qualified as a European Patent Attorney in 2011.
Jochen Thomas Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Jochen Thomas' technical focus is on electricity, especially semiconductor devices and the related assembly and interconnect technology.
Max Wilhelm Tilmann Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Max Tilmann has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in mechanical engineering.
Marc van der Burg Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Marc van der Burg has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in July 2023. His technical focus is in the field of mechanical engineering.
Marie-Paule Vandeberg Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Marie-Paule Vandeberg has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. Her technical focus is in chemical and agricultural industry engineering.
Patrice Vidon Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Patrice Vidon has been appointed to the Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in the following areas: Mechanics; metallurgy; industrial processes; sound and image processing; telecommunications, incl. SEP
Steen Wadskov-Hansen Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Steen Wadskov-Hansen has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in the following areas: organic chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, renewable energy and food technology.
Carola Wagner Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Born in 1966 in Munich, Germany, Ms Carola Wagner obtained a Diploma Degree in Chemistry from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) in 1992. She pursued doctoral studies at the TUM, where she defended her thesis in 1995. From 1995 to 1997 she was a postdoctoral researcher at the TUM and the CPE in Lyon. Between 1998 and 1999 she worked for an American chemical company. Ms Wagner joined as patent examiner the German Patent and Trade Mark Office in Munich in 1999. In 2014 she was appointed as Technically Qualified Judge at the Federal Patent Court of Germany.
Simon Walker Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Electricity Simon Walker has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in the following areas: physics and electricity.
Pascal Weber Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Pascal Weber has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in mechanical engineering, in particular medical devices.
Oliver Werner Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Biotechnology Oliver Werner has been appointed to the Court in June 2024. His technical focus is in the area of biotechnology.
Stefan Wilhelm Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Mechanical Engineering Stefan Wilhelm has been appointed to the Unified Patent Court in June 2023. His technical focus is mechanical engineering, chemistry, physics and material science and processing.
Erwin Wismeth Technically qualified Technical Qualifications: Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Physics Erwin Wismeth has been appointed to the Court in July 2023. His technical focus is in the following areas: chemistry and physics.