The Map below shows the status of the Member States and the locations of the Courts Location Map Locations Map * UPCA stands for "Agreement on a Unified Patent Court" Show location types Court of Appeal Court of First Instance Training Centre Patent Mediation and Arbitration Centre Select a Member State below to learn more Austria × Austria UPCA* in force Belgium × Belgium UPCA* in force Bulgaria × Bulgaria UPCA* in force Denmark × Denmark UPCA* in force Estonia × Estonia UPCA* in force Finland × Finland UPCA* in force France × France UPCA* in force Germany × Germany UPCA* in force Italy × Italy UPCA* in force Latvia × Latvia UPCA* in force Lithuania × Lithuania UPCA* in force Luxembourg × Luxembourg UPCA* in force Malta × Malta UPCA* in force Netherlands × Netherlands UPCA* in force Portugal × Portugal UPCA* in force Romania × Romania UPCA* in force Slovenia × Slovenia UPCA* in force Sweden × Sweden UPCA* in force Cyprus × Cyprus UPCA Signatory Czech Republic × Czech Republic UPCA Signatory Greece × Greece UPCA Signatory Hungary × Hungary UPCA Signatory Ireland × Ireland UPCA Signatory Slovakia × Slovakia UPCA Signatory Croatia × Croatia Non-UPCA Signatory Poland × Poland Non-UPCA Signatory Spain × Spain Non-UPCA Signatory Select a Location below to learn more Luxembourg (LU) × Luxembourg (LU) Instance Court of Appeal Country Luxembourg Location Luxembourg (LU) Address Nouvel Hémicycle, 1, rue du Fort Thüngen, L-1499 Luxembourg Email Opening Times Monday-Wednesday 9 AM - 12 PM / Thursday 1 PM - 4 PM (local time) Paris (FR)/C × Paris (FR)/C Instance Court of First Instance Division / Centre Seat of the Central Division Country France Location Paris (FR)/C Address 5 Rue Saint-Germain l'Auxerrois, 75001 Paris, France Email Opening Times Monday-Friday 9 AM - 12 PM upon prior appointment (local time) Attention! Our address is not always correctly referenced by Maps. Please make sure you are near the Théâtre du Châtelet. Munich (DE)/C × Munich (DE)/C Instance Court of First Instance Division / Centre Section of the Central Division Country Germany Location Munich (DE)/C Address Cincinnatistr. 64, 81549 Munich, Germany Email Opening Times Monday-Friday 9 AM - 12 PM Milan (IT)/C × Milan (IT)/C Instance Court of First Instance Division / Centre Section of the Central Division Country Italy Location Milan (IT)/C Address Via S. Barnaba, 50, 20122 Milan, Italy Email Opening Times Monday-Friday 10 AM - 1 PM (local time) Stockholm (SE)/R × Stockholm (SE)/R Instance Court of First Instance Division / Centre Regional Division Country Sweden Location Stockholm (SE)/R Address Postal address : Box 8307, 104 20 Stockholm, Sweden Visiting address/street address : Scheelegatan 7, 112 28 Stockholm, Sweden Email Opening Times Tuesday - Thursday 9 AM - 11:30 AM (local time) Riga (LV)/R × Riga (LV)/R Instance Court of First Instance Division / Centre Regional Division Country Latvia Location Riga (LV)/R Address ir Brīvības bulv.36, Rīga, Latvia. Email Opening Times only open to the public when the court hears a case at these premises Tallinn (EE)/R × Tallinn (EE)/R Instance Court of First Instance Division / Centre Regional Division Country Estonia Location Tallinn (EE)/R Address Lubja 4, Tallinn 10115, Estonia Email Opening Times only open to the public when the court hears a case at these premises Vilnius (LT)/R × Vilnius (LT)/R Instance Court of First Instance Division / Centre Regional Division Country Lithuania Location Vilnius (LT)/R Address Zygimanty g. 2 , 01102 Vilinus, Lithuania Email Opening Times only open to the public when the court hears a case at these premises Brussels (BE)/L × Brussels (BE)/L Instance Court of First Instance Division / Centre Local Division Country Belgium Location Brussels (BE)/L Address Rue du Progrès 50, 1210 Brussels, Belgium Email Opening Times Monday-Friday 9 AM - 12 PM, 2 PM - 4 PM (local time), by prior appointment Copenhagen (DK)/L × Copenhagen (DK)/L Instance Court of First Instance Division / Centre Local Division Country Denmark Location Copenhagen (DK)/L Address Amaliegade 35, 1256 Copenhagen, Denmark Email Opening Times Tuesday, Wednesday 9:30 AM - 12 PM (local time), additional appointments possible Düsseldorf (DE)/L × Düsseldorf (DE)/L Instance Court of First Instance Division / Centre Local Division Country Germany Location Düsseldorf (DE)/L Address Cecilienallee 3, 40474 Dusseldorf, Germany Email Opening Times Monday - Friday 9 AM - 12 PM in person / 1 PM - 4 PM (local time) additional availability by phone Hamburg (DE)/L × Hamburg (DE)/L Instance Court of First Instance Division / Centre Local Division Country Germany Location Hamburg (DE)/L Address Sievekingplatz 1, 20355 Hamburg, Germany Email Opening Times Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 9 AM - 12 PM (local time), additional appointments possible Helsinki (FI)/L × Helsinki (FI)/L Instance Court of First Instance Division / Centre Local Division Country Finland Location Helsinki (FI)/L Address Radanrakentajantie 5, 00520 Helsinki, Finland Email Opening Times by prior appointment only Lisbon (PT)/L × Lisbon (PT)/L Instance Court of First Instance Division / Centre Local Division Country Portugal Location Lisbon (PT)/L Address Palacio da Justiça de Lisboa, Rua Marquês de Fronteira 1098-001, Lisbon, Portugal. Email Opening Times Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 9:30 AM - 12 PM (local time), contact by telephone outside of opening hours: Monday - Friday 9AM - 4PM Ljubljana (SI)/L × Ljubljana (SI)/L Instance Court of First Instance Division / Centre Local Division Country Slovenia Location Ljubljana (SI)/L Address Fajfarjeva ulica 33, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Email Opening Times Tuesday, Thursday 10 AM - 12:30 PM (local time), upon prior appointment Mannheim (DE)/L × Mannheim (DE)/L Instance Court of First Instance Division / Centre Local Division Country Germany Location Mannheim (DE)/L Address Schubertstrasse 11, 68165 Mannheim, Germany Email Opening Times Monday-Friday 9 AM - 12 PM (local time) Milan (IT)/L × Milan (IT)/L Instance Court of First Instance Division / Centre Local Division Country Italy Location Milan (IT)/L Address Via S. Barnaba, 50, 20122 Milan, Italy Email Opening Times Monday-Friday 10 AM - 1 PM (local time) Munich (DE)/L × Munich (DE)/L Instance Court of First Instance Division / Centre Local Division Country Germany Location Munich (DE)/L Address Denisstraße 3, 80335 Munich, Germany Email Opening Times Tuesday-Thursday 9 AM - 11:30 AM (local time), or by appointment Paris (FR)/L × Paris (FR)/L Instance Court of First Instance Division / Centre Local Division Country France Location Paris (FR)/L Address 5 Rue Saint-Germain l'Auxerrois, 75001 Paris, France Email Opening Times Monday-Friday 9 AM - 12 PM upon prior appointment (local time) Attention! Our address is not always correctly referenced by Maps. Please make sure you are near the Théâtre du Châtelet. The Hague (NL)/L × The Hague (NL)/L Instance Court of First Instance Division / Centre Local Division Country Netherlands Location The Hague (NL)/L Address Prinses Beatrixlaan 2, 2595 AL, The Hague, The Netherlands Postal address: P.O. Box 10366, 2501 HJ,The Hague, The Netherlands Email Opening Times Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 9 AM - 12 PM / 1 PM - 4 PM (local time), by prior appointment Please note that we have a new address, which is listed above. Vienna (AT)/L × Vienna (AT)/L Instance Court of First Instance Division / Centre Local Division Country Austria Location Vienna (AT)/L Address Dresdner Straße 87, A-1200 Vienna, Austria Email Opening Times Tuesday-Wednesday 9 AM - 11:30 AM (local time), upon a prior written notice Please note that, as of 1 January 2025, we have a new address, which is listed above. Lisbon (PT) × Lisbon (PT) Instance Division / Centre Patent Mediation and Arbitration Centre Country Portugal Location Lisbon (PT) Address Email Opening Times Monday-Friday 9h-12h 14h-16h local time Ljubljana (SI) × Ljubljana (SI) Instance Division / Centre Patent Mediation and Arbitration Centre Country Slovenia Location Ljubljana (SI) Address Email Opening Times Monday-Friday 9h-12h 14h-16h local time Budapest (HU) × Budapest (HU) Instance Division / Centre Training Centre Country Hungary Location Budapest (HU) Address Email Opening Times Monday-Friday 9h-12h 14h-16h local time C: Central division L: Local division R: Regional Division Court of Appeal, Luxembourg Luxembourg (LU) Address Nouvel Hémicycle, 1, rue du Fort Thüngen, L-1499 Luxembourg Email Opening times Monday-Wednesday 9 AM - 12 PM / Thursday 1 PM - 4 PM (local time) Panel 1 Presiding judge: Klaus Grabinski Judges: Peter Blok, Emanuela Germano, Emmanuel Gougé Panel 2 Presiding judge: Rian Kalden Judges: Patricia Rombach, Ingeborg Simonsson Central Division of the Court of First Instance Paris (FR) Central Division - Seat Address 5 Rue Saint-Germain l'Auxerrois, 75001 Paris, France Telephone +33 1 81 72 62 52 Email Opening times Monday-Friday 9 AM - 12 PM upon prior appointment (local time) Attention! Our address is not always correctly referenced by Maps. Please make sure you are near the Théâtre du Châtelet. Panel Presiding judge: Florence Butin Judges: Paolo Catallozzi, Maximilian Haedicke, François Thomas, Marjolein Visser, Tatyana Zhilova Munich (DE) Central Division - Section Address Cincinnatistr. 64, 81549 Munich, Germany Telephone +49 89 2620 899 60 Email Opening times Monday-Friday 9 AM - 12 PM Panel Presiding judge: Ulrike Voß Judges: Mélanie Bessaud, András Kupecz Milan (IT) Central Division- Section Address Via S. Barnaba, 50, 20122 Milan, Italy Telephone +39 02 5433 8061 Email Opening times Monday-Friday 10 AM - 1 PM (local time) Panel Presiding judge: Andrea Postiglione Judges: Anna-Lena Klein, Marije Knijff Local divisions of the Court of First Instance Vienna (AT) Local Division Address Dresdner Straße 87, A-1200 Vienna, Austria Email Opening times Tuesday-Wednesday 9 AM - 11:30 AM (local time), upon a prior written notice Please note that, as of 1 January 2025, we have a new address, which is listed above. Panel Presiding judge: Walter Schober Brussels (BE) Local Division Address Rue du Progrès 50, 1210 Brussels, Belgium Email Opening times Monday-Friday 9 AM - 12 PM, 2 PM - 4 PM (local time), by prior appointment Panel Presiding judge: Samuel Granata Copenhagen (DK) Local Division Address Amaliegade 35, 1256 Copenhagen, Denmark Email Opening times Tuesday, Wednesday 9:30 AM - 12 PM (local time), additional appointments possible Panel Presiding judge: Peter Agergaard Helsinki (FI) Local Division Address Radanrakentajantie 5, 00520 Helsinki, Finland Email Opening times by prior appointment only Panel Presiding judge: Petri Rinkinen Paris (FR) Local Division Address 5 Rue Saint-Germain l'Auxerrois, 75001 Paris, France Telephone +33 1 81 72 62 55 Email Opening times Monday-Friday 9 AM - 12 PM upon prior appointment (local time) Attention! Our address is not always correctly referenced by Maps. Please make sure you are near the Théâtre du Châtelet. Panel Presiding judge: Camille Lignieres Judges: Carine Gillet Düsseldorf (DE) Local Division Address Cecilienallee 3, 40474 Dusseldorf, Germany Telephone +49 211 4971 787 / - 789 Email Opening times Monday - Friday 9 AM - 12 PM in person / 1 PM - 4 PM (local time) additional availability by phone Panel Presiding judge: Ronny Thomas Judges: Jule Schumacher, Bérénice Thom Hamburg (DE) Local Division Address Sievekingplatz 1, 20355 Hamburg, Germany Telephone +49 40 42843 4337 / - 4338 Email Opening times Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 9 AM - 12 PM (local time), additional appointments possible Panel Presiding judge: Sabine Klepsch Judges: Stefan Schilling Mannheim (DE) Local Division Address Schubertstrasse 11, 68165 Mannheim, Germany Telephone +49 621 292 4697/ - 4235/ - 4696 Email Opening times Monday-Friday 9 AM - 12 PM (local time) Panel Presiding judge: Peter Tochtermann Judges: Dirk Böttcher, Holger Kircher Munich (DE) Local Division Address Denisstraße 3, 80335 Munich, Germany Telephone +49 89 6142100 14 Email Opening times Tuesday-Thursday 9 AM - 11:30 AM (local time), or by appointment Panel 1 Presiding judge: Matthias Zigann Judges: Tobias Pichlmaier Panel 2 Presiding judge: Ulrike Voß Judges: Daniel Voß Milan (IT) Local Division Address Via S. Barnaba, 50, 20122 Milan, Italy Telephone +39 02 5433 8011 Email Opening times Monday-Friday 10 AM - 1 PM (local time) Panel Presiding judge: Pierluigi Perrotti Judges: Alima Zana The Hague (NL) Local Division Address Prinses Beatrixlaan 2, 2595 AL, The Hague, The Netherlands Postal address: P.O. Box 10366, 2501 HJ,The Hague, The Netherlands Telephone +31(0)70 3784460 Email Opening times Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 9 AM - 12 PM / 1 PM - 4 PM (local time), by prior appointment Please note that we have a new address, which is listed above. Panel Presiding judge: Edger Brinkman Judges: Margot Kokke Lisbon (PT) Local Division Address Palacio da Justiça de Lisboa, Rua Marquês de Fronteira 1098-001, Lisbon, Portugal. Telephone +351 213846426 Email Opening times Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 9:30 AM - 12 PM (local time), contact by telephone outside of opening hours: Monday - Friday 9AM - 4PM Panel Presiding judge: Rute Lopes Ljubljana (SI) Local Division Address Fajfarjeva ulica 33, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Email Opening times Tuesday, Thursday 10 AM - 12:30 PM (local time), upon prior appointment Panel Presiding judge: Mojca Mlakar Regional divisions of the Court of First Instance Nordic Baltic Regional Division Stockholm (SE) - Seat of the Regional Division Address Postal address : Box 8307, 104 20 Stockholm, Sweden Visiting address/street address : Scheelegatan 7, 112 28 Stockholm, Sweden Email Opening times Tuesday - Thursday 9 AM - 11:30 AM (local time) Panel Presiding judge: Stefan Johansson Judges: Kai Härmand Riga (LV) - Place of hearing of the Regional Division Address ir Brīvības bulv.36, Rīga, Latvia. Email Opening times only open to the public when the court hears a case at these premises Tallinn (EE) - Place of hearing of the Regional Division Address Lubja 4, Tallinn 10115, Estonia Email Opening times only open to the public when the court hears a case at these premises Vilnius (LT) - Place of hearing of the Regional Division Address Zygimanty g. 2 , 01102 Vilinus, Lithuania Email Opening times only open to the public when the court hears a case at these premises
The Map below shows the status of the Member States and the locations of the Courts Location Map Locations Map * UPCA stands for "Agreement on a Unified Patent Court" Show location types Court of Appeal Court of First Instance Training Centre Patent Mediation and Arbitration Centre Select a Member State below to learn more Austria × Austria UPCA* in force Belgium × Belgium UPCA* in force Bulgaria × Bulgaria UPCA* in force Denmark × Denmark UPCA* in force Estonia × Estonia UPCA* in force Finland × Finland UPCA* in force France × France UPCA* in force Germany × Germany UPCA* in force Italy × Italy UPCA* in force Latvia × Latvia UPCA* in force Lithuania × Lithuania UPCA* in force Luxembourg × Luxembourg UPCA* in force Malta × Malta UPCA* in force Netherlands × Netherlands UPCA* in force Portugal × Portugal UPCA* in force Romania × Romania UPCA* in force Slovenia × Slovenia UPCA* in force Sweden × Sweden UPCA* in force Cyprus × Cyprus UPCA Signatory Czech Republic × Czech Republic UPCA Signatory Greece × Greece UPCA Signatory Hungary × Hungary UPCA Signatory Ireland × Ireland UPCA Signatory Slovakia × Slovakia UPCA Signatory Croatia × Croatia Non-UPCA Signatory Poland × Poland Non-UPCA Signatory Spain × Spain Non-UPCA Signatory Select a Location below to learn more Luxembourg (LU) × Luxembourg (LU) Instance Court of Appeal Country Luxembourg Location Luxembourg (LU) Address Nouvel Hémicycle, 1, rue du Fort Thüngen, L-1499 Luxembourg Email Opening Times Monday-Wednesday 9 AM - 12 PM / Thursday 1 PM - 4 PM (local time) Paris (FR)/C × Paris (FR)/C Instance Court of First Instance Division / Centre Seat of the Central Division Country France Location Paris (FR)/C Address 5 Rue Saint-Germain l'Auxerrois, 75001 Paris, France Email Opening Times Monday-Friday 9 AM - 12 PM upon prior appointment (local time) Attention! Our address is not always correctly referenced by Maps. Please make sure you are near the Théâtre du Châtelet. Munich (DE)/C × Munich (DE)/C Instance Court of First Instance Division / Centre Section of the Central Division Country Germany Location Munich (DE)/C Address Cincinnatistr. 64, 81549 Munich, Germany Email Opening Times Monday-Friday 9 AM - 12 PM Milan (IT)/C × Milan (IT)/C Instance Court of First Instance Division / Centre Section of the Central Division Country Italy Location Milan (IT)/C Address Via S. Barnaba, 50, 20122 Milan, Italy Email Opening Times Monday-Friday 10 AM - 1 PM (local time) Stockholm (SE)/R × Stockholm (SE)/R Instance Court of First Instance Division / Centre Regional Division Country Sweden Location Stockholm (SE)/R Address Postal address : Box 8307, 104 20 Stockholm, Sweden Visiting address/street address : Scheelegatan 7, 112 28 Stockholm, Sweden Email Opening Times Tuesday - Thursday 9 AM - 11:30 AM (local time) Riga (LV)/R × Riga (LV)/R Instance Court of First Instance Division / Centre Regional Division Country Latvia Location Riga (LV)/R Address ir Brīvības bulv.36, Rīga, Latvia. Email Opening Times only open to the public when the court hears a case at these premises Tallinn (EE)/R × Tallinn (EE)/R Instance Court of First Instance Division / Centre Regional Division Country Estonia Location Tallinn (EE)/R Address Lubja 4, Tallinn 10115, Estonia Email Opening Times only open to the public when the court hears a case at these premises Vilnius (LT)/R × Vilnius (LT)/R Instance Court of First Instance Division / Centre Regional Division Country Lithuania Location Vilnius (LT)/R Address Zygimanty g. 2 , 01102 Vilinus, Lithuania Email Opening Times only open to the public when the court hears a case at these premises Brussels (BE)/L × Brussels (BE)/L Instance Court of First Instance Division / Centre Local Division Country Belgium Location Brussels (BE)/L Address Rue du Progrès 50, 1210 Brussels, Belgium Email Opening Times Monday-Friday 9 AM - 12 PM, 2 PM - 4 PM (local time), by prior appointment Copenhagen (DK)/L × Copenhagen (DK)/L Instance Court of First Instance Division / Centre Local Division Country Denmark Location Copenhagen (DK)/L Address Amaliegade 35, 1256 Copenhagen, Denmark Email Opening Times Tuesday, Wednesday 9:30 AM - 12 PM (local time), additional appointments possible Düsseldorf (DE)/L × Düsseldorf (DE)/L Instance Court of First Instance Division / Centre Local Division Country Germany Location Düsseldorf (DE)/L Address Cecilienallee 3, 40474 Dusseldorf, Germany Email Opening Times Monday - Friday 9 AM - 12 PM in person / 1 PM - 4 PM (local time) additional availability by phone Hamburg (DE)/L × Hamburg (DE)/L Instance Court of First Instance Division / Centre Local Division Country Germany Location Hamburg (DE)/L Address Sievekingplatz 1, 20355 Hamburg, Germany Email Opening Times Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 9 AM - 12 PM (local time), additional appointments possible Helsinki (FI)/L × Helsinki (FI)/L Instance Court of First Instance Division / Centre Local Division Country Finland Location Helsinki (FI)/L Address Radanrakentajantie 5, 00520 Helsinki, Finland Email Opening Times by prior appointment only Lisbon (PT)/L × Lisbon (PT)/L Instance Court of First Instance Division / Centre Local Division Country Portugal Location Lisbon (PT)/L Address Palacio da Justiça de Lisboa, Rua Marquês de Fronteira 1098-001, Lisbon, Portugal. Email Opening Times Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 9:30 AM - 12 PM (local time), contact by telephone outside of opening hours: Monday - Friday 9AM - 4PM Ljubljana (SI)/L × Ljubljana (SI)/L Instance Court of First Instance Division / Centre Local Division Country Slovenia Location Ljubljana (SI)/L Address Fajfarjeva ulica 33, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Email Opening Times Tuesday, Thursday 10 AM - 12:30 PM (local time), upon prior appointment Mannheim (DE)/L × Mannheim (DE)/L Instance Court of First Instance Division / Centre Local Division Country Germany Location Mannheim (DE)/L Address Schubertstrasse 11, 68165 Mannheim, Germany Email Opening Times Monday-Friday 9 AM - 12 PM (local time) Milan (IT)/L × Milan (IT)/L Instance Court of First Instance Division / Centre Local Division Country Italy Location Milan (IT)/L Address Via S. Barnaba, 50, 20122 Milan, Italy Email Opening Times Monday-Friday 10 AM - 1 PM (local time) Munich (DE)/L × Munich (DE)/L Instance Court of First Instance Division / Centre Local Division Country Germany Location Munich (DE)/L Address Denisstraße 3, 80335 Munich, Germany Email Opening Times Tuesday-Thursday 9 AM - 11:30 AM (local time), or by appointment Paris (FR)/L × Paris (FR)/L Instance Court of First Instance Division / Centre Local Division Country France Location Paris (FR)/L Address 5 Rue Saint-Germain l'Auxerrois, 75001 Paris, France Email Opening Times Monday-Friday 9 AM - 12 PM upon prior appointment (local time) Attention! Our address is not always correctly referenced by Maps. Please make sure you are near the Théâtre du Châtelet. The Hague (NL)/L × The Hague (NL)/L Instance Court of First Instance Division / Centre Local Division Country Netherlands Location The Hague (NL)/L Address Prinses Beatrixlaan 2, 2595 AL, The Hague, The Netherlands Postal address: P.O. Box 10366, 2501 HJ,The Hague, The Netherlands Email Opening Times Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 9 AM - 12 PM / 1 PM - 4 PM (local time), by prior appointment Please note that we have a new address, which is listed above. Vienna (AT)/L × Vienna (AT)/L Instance Court of First Instance Division / Centre Local Division Country Austria Location Vienna (AT)/L Address Dresdner Straße 87, A-1200 Vienna, Austria Email Opening Times Tuesday-Wednesday 9 AM - 11:30 AM (local time), upon a prior written notice Please note that, as of 1 January 2025, we have a new address, which is listed above. Lisbon (PT) × Lisbon (PT) Instance Division / Centre Patent Mediation and Arbitration Centre Country Portugal Location Lisbon (PT) Address Email Opening Times Monday-Friday 9h-12h 14h-16h local time Ljubljana (SI) × Ljubljana (SI) Instance Division / Centre Patent Mediation and Arbitration Centre Country Slovenia Location Ljubljana (SI) Address Email Opening Times Monday-Friday 9h-12h 14h-16h local time Budapest (HU) × Budapest (HU) Instance Division / Centre Training Centre Country Hungary Location Budapest (HU) Address Email Opening Times Monday-Friday 9h-12h 14h-16h local time C: Central division L: Local division R: Regional Division Court of Appeal, Luxembourg Luxembourg (LU) Address Nouvel Hémicycle, 1, rue du Fort Thüngen, L-1499 Luxembourg Email Opening times Monday-Wednesday 9 AM - 12 PM / Thursday 1 PM - 4 PM (local time) Panel 1 Presiding judge: Klaus Grabinski Judges: Peter Blok, Emanuela Germano, Emmanuel Gougé Panel 2 Presiding judge: Rian Kalden Judges: Patricia Rombach, Ingeborg Simonsson Central Division of the Court of First Instance Paris (FR) Central Division - Seat Address 5 Rue Saint-Germain l'Auxerrois, 75001 Paris, France Telephone +33 1 81 72 62 52 Email Opening times Monday-Friday 9 AM - 12 PM upon prior appointment (local time) Attention! Our address is not always correctly referenced by Maps. Please make sure you are near the Théâtre du Châtelet. Panel Presiding judge: Florence Butin Judges: Paolo Catallozzi, Maximilian Haedicke, François Thomas, Marjolein Visser, Tatyana Zhilova Munich (DE) Central Division - Section Address Cincinnatistr. 64, 81549 Munich, Germany Telephone +49 89 2620 899 60 Email Opening times Monday-Friday 9 AM - 12 PM Panel Presiding judge: Ulrike Voß Judges: Mélanie Bessaud, András Kupecz Milan (IT) Central Division- Section Address Via S. Barnaba, 50, 20122 Milan, Italy Telephone +39 02 5433 8061 Email Opening times Monday-Friday 10 AM - 1 PM (local time) Panel Presiding judge: Andrea Postiglione Judges: Anna-Lena Klein, Marije Knijff Local divisions of the Court of First Instance Vienna (AT) Local Division Address Dresdner Straße 87, A-1200 Vienna, Austria Email Opening times Tuesday-Wednesday 9 AM - 11:30 AM (local time), upon a prior written notice Please note that, as of 1 January 2025, we have a new address, which is listed above. Panel Presiding judge: Walter Schober Brussels (BE) Local Division Address Rue du Progrès 50, 1210 Brussels, Belgium Email Opening times Monday-Friday 9 AM - 12 PM, 2 PM - 4 PM (local time), by prior appointment Panel Presiding judge: Samuel Granata Copenhagen (DK) Local Division Address Amaliegade 35, 1256 Copenhagen, Denmark Email Opening times Tuesday, Wednesday 9:30 AM - 12 PM (local time), additional appointments possible Panel Presiding judge: Peter Agergaard Helsinki (FI) Local Division Address Radanrakentajantie 5, 00520 Helsinki, Finland Email Opening times by prior appointment only Panel Presiding judge: Petri Rinkinen Paris (FR) Local Division Address 5 Rue Saint-Germain l'Auxerrois, 75001 Paris, France Telephone +33 1 81 72 62 55 Email Opening times Monday-Friday 9 AM - 12 PM upon prior appointment (local time) Attention! Our address is not always correctly referenced by Maps. Please make sure you are near the Théâtre du Châtelet. Panel Presiding judge: Camille Lignieres Judges: Carine Gillet Düsseldorf (DE) Local Division Address Cecilienallee 3, 40474 Dusseldorf, Germany Telephone +49 211 4971 787 / - 789 Email Opening times Monday - Friday 9 AM - 12 PM in person / 1 PM - 4 PM (local time) additional availability by phone Panel Presiding judge: Ronny Thomas Judges: Jule Schumacher, Bérénice Thom Hamburg (DE) Local Division Address Sievekingplatz 1, 20355 Hamburg, Germany Telephone +49 40 42843 4337 / - 4338 Email Opening times Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 9 AM - 12 PM (local time), additional appointments possible Panel Presiding judge: Sabine Klepsch Judges: Stefan Schilling Mannheim (DE) Local Division Address Schubertstrasse 11, 68165 Mannheim, Germany Telephone +49 621 292 4697/ - 4235/ - 4696 Email Opening times Monday-Friday 9 AM - 12 PM (local time) Panel Presiding judge: Peter Tochtermann Judges: Dirk Böttcher, Holger Kircher Munich (DE) Local Division Address Denisstraße 3, 80335 Munich, Germany Telephone +49 89 6142100 14 Email Opening times Tuesday-Thursday 9 AM - 11:30 AM (local time), or by appointment Panel 1 Presiding judge: Matthias Zigann Judges: Tobias Pichlmaier Panel 2 Presiding judge: Ulrike Voß Judges: Daniel Voß Milan (IT) Local Division Address Via S. Barnaba, 50, 20122 Milan, Italy Telephone +39 02 5433 8011 Email Opening times Monday-Friday 10 AM - 1 PM (local time) Panel Presiding judge: Pierluigi Perrotti Judges: Alima Zana The Hague (NL) Local Division Address Prinses Beatrixlaan 2, 2595 AL, The Hague, The Netherlands Postal address: P.O. Box 10366, 2501 HJ,The Hague, The Netherlands Telephone +31(0)70 3784460 Email Opening times Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 9 AM - 12 PM / 1 PM - 4 PM (local time), by prior appointment Please note that we have a new address, which is listed above. Panel Presiding judge: Edger Brinkman Judges: Margot Kokke Lisbon (PT) Local Division Address Palacio da Justiça de Lisboa, Rua Marquês de Fronteira 1098-001, Lisbon, Portugal. Telephone +351 213846426 Email Opening times Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 9:30 AM - 12 PM (local time), contact by telephone outside of opening hours: Monday - Friday 9AM - 4PM Panel Presiding judge: Rute Lopes Ljubljana (SI) Local Division Address Fajfarjeva ulica 33, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Email Opening times Tuesday, Thursday 10 AM - 12:30 PM (local time), upon prior appointment Panel Presiding judge: Mojca Mlakar Regional divisions of the Court of First Instance Nordic Baltic Regional Division Stockholm (SE) - Seat of the Regional Division Address Postal address : Box 8307, 104 20 Stockholm, Sweden Visiting address/street address : Scheelegatan 7, 112 28 Stockholm, Sweden Email Opening times Tuesday - Thursday 9 AM - 11:30 AM (local time) Panel Presiding judge: Stefan Johansson Judges: Kai Härmand Riga (LV) - Place of hearing of the Regional Division Address ir Brīvības bulv.36, Rīga, Latvia. Email Opening times only open to the public when the court hears a case at these premises Tallinn (EE) - Place of hearing of the Regional Division Address Lubja 4, Tallinn 10115, Estonia Email Opening times only open to the public when the court hears a case at these premises Vilnius (LT) - Place of hearing of the Regional Division Address Zygimanty g. 2 , 01102 Vilinus, Lithuania Email Opening times only open to the public when the court hears a case at these premises