ACT_459771/2023 UPC_CFI_9/2023 Typ: Public oral hearing Datum: 18-12-2024 Zeit: 13:00 Aktionstyp: Infringement action Parties: Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd v. Netgear Inc.a.o. Language of proceeding: English Judge/Panel: Matthias Zigann Arrangement: Onsite Standort: München (DE) Lokalkammer Hearing address Denisstr. 3, 80335 München, Room 212 NOTE: This is an announcement hearing
ACT_578607/2023 UPC_CFI_355/2023 Typ: Public oral hearing Datum: 17-12-2024 Zeit: 09:30 Aktionstyp: Infringement Action Parties: FUJIFILM Corporation v. 1. Kodak GmbH, 2. Kodak Graphic Communication GmbH, 3. Kodak Holding GmbH Language of proceeding: English Judge/Panel: Ronny Thomas (Presiding judge + Judge rapporteur), Dr. Berenice Thom (Judge), Rute Lopes (LQJ), Stefanie Parchmann (TQJ) Arrangement: Onsite Standort: Düsseldorf (DE) Lokalkammer Hearing address Cecilienallee 3, 40474 Düsseldorf, Room BZ5 Please note that the hearing might continue on 18.12.2024.
CANCELLED: ACT_592899/2023 UPC_CFI_468/2023 Typ: Public oral hearing Datum: 17-12-2024 Zeit: 09:00 Aktionstyp: Parties: C-KORE SYSTEMS LIMITED v. NOVAWELL Language of proceeding: Judge/Panel: Arrangement: Onsite - see guidelines attached Standort: Paris (FR) Lokalkammer Hearing address NOTE: The oral hearing has been cancelled.
APL_59329/2024 UPC_CoA_651/2024 Typ: Public oral hearing Datum: 16-12-2024 Zeit: 10:00 Aktionstyp: Appeal RoP220.2 Parties: TOTAL SEMICONDUCTOR, LLC v. Texas Instruments EMEA Sales GmbH and Texas Language of proceeding: English Judge/Panel: Rian Kalden (Presiding Judge), Ingeborg Simonsson (Legally Qualified Judge, Judge Rapporteur), Patricia Rombach (Legally Qualified Judge) Arrangement: Online hearing Standort: Luxemburg (LU) Hearing address Court of Appeal Nouvel Hémicycle, 1, rue du Fort Thüngen, L-1499 Luxemburg, Court room -3
ACT_52698/2024 UPC_CFI_541/2024 Typ: Public oral hearing Datum: 12-12-2024 Zeit: 13:00 Aktionstyp: Application for provisional measures (RoP206) Parties: G. Pohl-Boskamp GmbH & C. KG v. pharma-aktiva GmbH, ALDI SÜD Dienstleistungs-SE & Co. oHG, ALDI Nord Deutschland Stiftung & Co. KG, ALDI SE & Co. KG and Hofer Kommanditgesellschaft Language of proceeding: German Judge/Panel: Judge-Rapporteur Dirk Böttcher Arrangement: Onsite Standort: Mannheim (DE) Lokalkammer Hearing address Sitzungssaal I, Unified Patent Court - Mannheim Local Division, Schubertstr. 11, 68165 Mannheim
CANCELLED: ACT_ 596431/2023 UPC_CFI_494/2023 Typ: Public oral hearing Datum: 12-12-2024 Zeit: 09:30 Aktionstyp: Infringement Action Parties: I.G.B. S.r.l. v. Unilever France Language of proceeding: Judge/Panel: Arrangement: Standort: Hearing address The Oral Hearing has been cancelled following an order dated 14 November 2024.
ACT_7940/2024 UPC_CFI_58/2024 Typ: Public oral hearing Datum: 11-12-2024 Zeit: 10:00 Aktionstyp: Infringment Action Parties: Lionra Technologies Ltd. v. Cisco Systems GmbH, Cisco Systems, Inc. Language of proceeding: German Judge/Panel: Sabine Klepsch (Presiding judge), Stefan Schilling (Judge Rapporteur), Peter Agergaard, Christian Keller Arrangement: Onsite Standort: Hamburg (DE) Lokalkammer Hearing address Civil Justice Building (Ziviljustizgebäude), Sievekingplatz 1, 20355 Hamburg, Room A156
ACT_583791/2023 UPC_CFI_396/2023 Typ: Public oral hearing Datum: 10-12-2024 Zeit: 09:00 Aktionstyp: Infringement Action Parties: DexCom Inc. v. Abbott Laboratories a.o Language of proceeding: English Judge/Panel: Daniel Voß, Ulrike Voß, Petri Rinkinen, Claus Elmeros Arrangement: Onsite - See guidelines attached Standort: München (DE) Lokalkammer Hearing address Denisstr. 3, 80335 München, Room 212 and overflow room 220b
ACT_571795/2023 UPC_CFI_314/2023 Typ: Public oral hearing Datum: 09-12-2024 Zeit: 09:30 Aktionstyp: Revocation Action Parties: NJOY Netherlands B.V. v. Juul Labs International, Inc. Language of proceeding: English Judge/Panel: François Thomas (Presiding Judge & Judge rapporteur), Maximilian Haedicke (LQJ), Max Tilmann (TQJ) Arrangement: Onsite - See guidelines attached Standort: Paris (FR) Zentralkammer – Sitz Hearing address The oral hearing will take place at the UPC Paris’ premises, with a live broadcast on site : Juridiction Unifiée du Brevet - Tribunal de première instance - Divisions Centrale & Locale de Paris - 5 Rue Saint-Germain l'Auxerrois, 75001 Paris, France – 5e étage (entry by intercom)
ACT_549550/2023 UPC_CFI_240/2023 Typ: Interim conference Datum: 06-12-2024 Zeit: 14:30 Aktionstyp: Infringement Action Parties: Oerlikon Textile GmbH & CO KG v. Himson Engineering Private Limited Language of proceeding: Italian Judge/Panel: Pierluigi Perrotti (Presiding Judge), Alima Zana (Judge Rapporteur) Carine Gillet (LQJ), Michel ABELLO (TQJ) Arrangement: Online hearing Standort: Mailand (IT) Lokalkammer Hearing address UPC Milan Local Division, Second Floor, Courtroom A, via San Barnaba 50, 20122 Milan, Italy Online: a link will be sent by the LD Milan sub-registry to the parties and those who have anticipated their participation