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Main Details:

Registry number
Curio Bioscience Inc.
10x Genomics, Inc.
Order/Decision reference
Type of action
Generic Order
Language of Proceedings
Court - Division
Court of First Instance - Düsseldorf (DE) Local Division

English Headnotes:

1. As Germany has issued an indication within the meaning of Rule 14.2 (c) RoP, the judge-rapporteur may, in the interest of the panel, issue an order to the effect that the judges may, inter alia, issue and deliver any decision and order in German together with a certified translation into English within the meaning of Rule 118.8 RoP. 2. If the language of the proceedings is changed to English after the oral hearing and immediately before the final order is issued, the judge-rapporteur may make use of this possibility in order to ensure that the Application for provisional measures can be decided immediately.

German Mots-clés:

Application for provisional measures, language change, language of the proceedings, indication; Rule 14.2 (c) RoP, certified translation