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La Juridiction est représentée par le président de la cour d’appel qui agit en qualité de président du présidium.

Le président est élu au scrutin secret par tous les juges de la cour d’appel pour un mandat de trois ans. Le président peut être réélu deux fois.

Le président dirige les activités juridictionnelles et l’administration de la cour d’appel et préside la cour d’appel siégeant en assemblée plénière.

Education and professional experience

Klaus Grabinski studied law at the Universities of Trier, Geneva and Cologne. He passed the 1st and 2nd state examination in 1988 and 1992. He was a university assistant and received a Doctor Iuris from Trier University in 1991.
He served on the German Federal Court of Justice’s 10th Civil Division, including as the Deputy Presiding Justice of the Division that has, inter alia, jurisdiction on patent litigation matters.

Before joining the German Federal Court of Justice in 2009, he held a number of judicial roles, including as a presiding judge of a patent litigation division at the Düsseldorf Regional Court and as a judge at the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court.

He was an external legally qualified member of the Enlarged Board of Appeal of the European Patent Office.

Since November 2022, Klaus Grabinski serves as President of the Court of Appeal and chairperson of the Presidium of the Unified Patent Court.