Main Details: Registry number App_67889/2024 Date 24 janvier, 2025 Parties Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office Order/Decision reference ORD_67980/2024 Type of action Application RoP262.1 (b) Language of Proceedings Anglais Court - Division Court of First Instance - Paris (FR) Central Division - Seat English Headnotes: The interest in ensuring that the parties present their arguments and evidence and that the Court conducts the proceedings impartially and independently, without influence and interference from external parties in the public sector, is of the paramount importance and, as such, prevails over the competing interest in access to the case file where this latter interest cannot be satisfied through access to the written pleadings or evidence of the proceedings as the matter at hand concerns a purely legal and general issue. English Mots-clés: public access to register Back to Decisions and Orders
Main Details: Registry number App_67889/2024 Date 24 janvier, 2025 Parties Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office Order/Decision reference ORD_67980/2024 Type of action Application RoP262.1 (b) Language of Proceedings Anglais Court - Division Court of First Instance - Paris (FR) Central Division - Seat English Headnotes: The interest in ensuring that the parties present their arguments and evidence and that the Court conducts the proceedings impartially and independently, without influence and interference from external parties in the public sector, is of the paramount importance and, as such, prevails over the competing interest in access to the case file where this latter interest cannot be satisfied through access to the written pleadings or evidence of the proceedings as the matter at hand concerns a purely legal and general issue. English Mots-clés: public access to register Back to Decisions and Orders