Main Details: Registry number ACT_571745/2023 Date 21 janvier, 2025 Parties NJOY Netherlands B.V. v. VMR Products LLC Order/Decision reference ORD_598528/2023 Type of action Revocation Action Language of Proceedings Anglais Court - Division Court of First Instance - Paris (FR) Central Division - Seat English Headnotes: In order to assess whether or not a claimed invention lacks inventive step, it is first necessary to determine one or more realistic starting points in the state of the art, which would be of interest to a person skilled in the art who, at the priority date of the patent in suit, was seeking to develop a product or process similar to that disclosed in the prior art. In particular, realistic starting points are the documents which disclose the main relevant features as those disclosed in the challenged patent or which address the same or a similar underlying problem. English Mots-clés: inventive step Back to Decisions and Orders
Main Details: Registry number ACT_571745/2023 Date 21 janvier, 2025 Parties NJOY Netherlands B.V. v. VMR Products LLC Order/Decision reference ORD_598528/2023 Type of action Revocation Action Language of Proceedings Anglais Court - Division Court of First Instance - Paris (FR) Central Division - Seat English Headnotes: In order to assess whether or not a claimed invention lacks inventive step, it is first necessary to determine one or more realistic starting points in the state of the art, which would be of interest to a person skilled in the art who, at the priority date of the patent in suit, was seeking to develop a product or process similar to that disclosed in the prior art. In particular, realistic starting points are the documents which disclose the main relevant features as those disclosed in the challenged patent or which address the same or a similar underlying problem. English Mots-clés: inventive step Back to Decisions and Orders