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Application Order

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Main Details:

Registry number
Manfred Sauer GmbH
Order/Decision reference
Type of action
Generic application
Language of Proceedings
Court - Division
Court of First Instance - Munich (DE) Local Division

English Headnotes:

1. Whether a waiver of the translation of exhibits into the language of the proceedings pursuant to Art. 51 (1) UPCA is appropriate is always a question of the individual case. 2. A comprehensive balancing of interests must take place. In particular, the language skills of the parties and their representatives and the language skills of the panel must be taken into account. The volume, the length or the quantity and the nature of the documents in question and their relevance to the proceedings is also of relevance. Other aspects may also be relevant in individual cases.

English Schlüsselwörter:

language of proceedings, Rule 7 (1) RoP, Art. 51 UPCA, translation