Main Details: Registry number App_63878/2024 Date 24. Januar 2025 Parties ALPINESTARS RESEARCH S.p.A, ULRICH HERPICH E.K, Alpinestars S.p.A., OMNIA RETAIL S.R.L. , HORIZON MOTO 95 - MAXXESS CERGY , MOTOCARD BIKE, S.L. v. Dainese S.p.A. Order/Decision reference ORD_68844/2024 Type of action Application RoP262A Language of Proceedings English Court - Division Court of First Instance - Milan (IT) Local Division English Headnotes: Rule, 262 A.6 .RoP (“The number of persons referred to in paragraph 1 shall be no greater than necessary in order to ensure compliance with the right of the parties to the legal proceedings to an effective remedy and to a fair trial, and shall include, at least, one natural person from each party and the respective lawyers or other representatives of those parties to the legal proceedings) which is designed to protect the principle of the adversarial process, may be derogated: A) with parties' consent; B) in the event of interference of the patent system with the antitrust system: the Community system expressly allows that access is not granted to natural persons but only to their advisers (see EUROPEAN COMMISSION COMMUNICATION ‘Communication on the protection of confidential information by national courts in proceedings concerning the private enforcement of EU competition law’ (2020/C 242/01, para. 61 English Schlüsselwörter: rule 262 A ROP Back to Decisions and Orders
Main Details: Registry number App_63878/2024 Date 24. Januar 2025 Parties ALPINESTARS RESEARCH S.p.A, ULRICH HERPICH E.K, Alpinestars S.p.A., OMNIA RETAIL S.R.L. , HORIZON MOTO 95 - MAXXESS CERGY , MOTOCARD BIKE, S.L. v. Dainese S.p.A. Order/Decision reference ORD_68844/2024 Type of action Application RoP262A Language of Proceedings English Court - Division Court of First Instance - Milan (IT) Local Division English Headnotes: Rule, 262 A.6 .RoP (“The number of persons referred to in paragraph 1 shall be no greater than necessary in order to ensure compliance with the right of the parties to the legal proceedings to an effective remedy and to a fair trial, and shall include, at least, one natural person from each party and the respective lawyers or other representatives of those parties to the legal proceedings) which is designed to protect the principle of the adversarial process, may be derogated: A) with parties' consent; B) in the event of interference of the patent system with the antitrust system: the Community system expressly allows that access is not granted to natural persons but only to their advisers (see EUROPEAN COMMISSION COMMUNICATION ‘Communication on the protection of confidential information by national courts in proceedings concerning the private enforcement of EU competition law’ (2020/C 242/01, para. 61 English Schlüsselwörter: rule 262 A ROP Back to Decisions and Orders