Paolo Gerli has been appointed to the Court in June 2023. His technical focus is in pharmaceutical chemistry and technology.
Professional Experience in Intellectual Property
Paolo started his career at the EPO, The Hague, serving for 10 years as patent Examiner. Since 1999, he has been working in Milano as registered Italian and European Patent Attorney, first at Notarbartolo & Gervasi, then at Botti & Ferrari, Milano and Zardi S.A., Lugano. He also practiced as internal patent attorney in a pharma company in Lugano.
Paolo Gerli has a long-standing experience in European patent practice (EPO prosecution/opposition/appeal). Jointly with lawyers, He assists his clients as party expert in patent litigation.
Since 2006 he has collaborated with the Court of Milano as appointed IP Technical Expert, for cases non-conflicting with his profession.
He is lecturer in various courses for the professional education of patent attorney.
Paolo served in three terms of the Council of the European Patent Institute (epi) as elected member for Italy and as member of the epi By-Laws Committee.
Professional Experience in Science
Pharmacology researcher at Mario Negri Institute, Milan.
Paolo Gerli obtained his degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology in 1986.
He has been trained in patent litigation (Diploma Patent Litigation in Europe, CEIPI 2009 with additional UPC module).
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