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Main Details:
Registry number
DexCom, Inc.
Abbott Diagnostics GmbH, Abbott Diabetes Care Inc., Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Gesellschaft m.b.H., Abbott GmbH, Abbott Scandinavia Aktiebolag, Newyu,Inc., Abbott B.V., Abbott, Abbott S.r.l., Abbott Laboratories A/S, Abbott France, Abbott Logistics B.V., Abbott Oy
Abbott Diagnostics GmbH, Abbott Diabetes Care Inc., Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Gesellschaft m.b.H., Abbott GmbH, Abbott Scandinavia Aktiebolag, Newyu,Inc., Abbott B.V., Abbott, Abbott S.r.l., Abbott Laboratories A/S, Abbott France, Abbott Logistics B.V., Abbott Oy
Order/Decision reference
Type of action
Generic Order
Language of Proceedings
Court - Division
Court of First Instance - Paris (FR) Local Division
English Headnotes:
1. The order pursuant to Rule 36 RoP issued by the judge-rapporteur relates to adding some arguments
to the debate related to some specific terms regarding claim interpretation, but it did not
authorise the defendant to raise a new ground for revocation. The UPC procedure is a front-loaded
system and the Court finds no legitimate reason for the defendant, which had already stated its
own claim interpretation in its Statement of Defence and counterclaim, to raise a new ground for
revocation at a later stage of the proceedings concerning the validity of the patent as granted. The
additional ground concerning the patent as granted raised in the Rejoinder to the reply to the
Statement of Defence is inadmissible pursuant to Rule 9.2 RoP.
2. As regards the claim interpretation, the Court adopted a “whole-content approach”. In the present
case, a question to be addressed is whether the skilled person considering a claim would be
confronted with new technical information based on what was derivable, directly and unambiguously,
from the whole contents of the description, claims, and figures of the earlier application.
English Schlüsselwörter:
Inventive step, Article 56 EPC, Auxiliary request, Admissibility, R. 36 RoP, R. 9.2 RoP, Validity, Article 138 (1)(c) EPC, Added-matter