UPC Case Management System Information Announcement For proprietors of European patents or Supplementary Protection Certificates (SPC) or applicants for European patents and their representatives, there exists the possibility to lodge multiple and automatic Opt-outs in one step.For this, an Application Programming Interface (API) is available to communicate directly and, in a secure way, with the UPC Case Management System (CMS). By design, one API call (communication of data through the API) can be used to opt out one patent with one application or if desired multiple calls can be used to opt out multiple patents each with its own application.This approach will assist the applicant of an Opt-out / Withdraw to provide the following in accordance with the Rules of procedure and the CMS: the correct set of documents with the required information (proprietors, holders, etc.), the correct identification of the person lodging all applications the subject of the API. To lodge multiple Opt-outs, a software tool must be developed to allow sequential calls for each relevant patent, application and to queue them via the API. Moreover, external parties should develop a tool that allows to communicate with the CMS, check the correctness of the information sent and process the response returned by the API ("caseNumber":"232/2021", "officialCaseNumber": "UPC_APP_232/2021" or the error description if applicable).There are two sets of APIs: One set, called A2A APIs will address the opt-out / withdraw applications Another set, called Public API can be used to get information from the UPC register For each of these sets, additional information such as user guides and JSON files are available, here after, in the attachments section.The public API « Download » that allows external users to download any documents from the CMS has been temporary removed. External users that would like to download documents of their proceedings are invited to do it directly via the CMS . Laden JSON Laden JSON Laden EN pdf Laden EN pdf