Case Number: ACT_459762/2023 Patent number: EP2372863 - Controlling inductive power transfer systemsProceeding type: ProceedingAction/Application: Infringement ActionDefendants: Belkin GmbH Represented by Philipp Dr CeplBelkin Limited Represented by Philipp CeplBelkin Limited Represented by Philipp CeplBelkin International, Inc Represented by Philipp CeplBelkin GmbH Represented by Philipp CeplBelkin GmbH Represented by Philipp CeplBelkin GmbH Represented by Philipp CeplBelkin Limited Represented by Philipp CeplClaimants: Philips IP Ventures B.V. Represented by Tilman MuellerJudges: Anders HanssonEdger BrinkmanMatthias ZigannTobias PichlmaierCourt Division: First instance, Local division - MunichDate of Formal receipt: 2023-07-04 11:27:31Language of proceeding: Allemand