Case Number: ACT_16267/2024 Patent number: EP1944067 - Method and system for detecting an offside situationProceeding type: ProceedingAction/Application: Application for provisional measuresDefendants: Union des Associations Européennes de Football (UEFA) Represented by Tilman Müller-StoyKinexon Sports & Media GmbH Represented by Tilman Müller-StoyKinexon GmbH Represented by Tilman Müller-StoyApplicants: Ballinno B.V. Represented by Rien BroekstraJudges: Sabine KlepschSamuel GranataStefan SchillingCourt Division: First instance, Local division - HamburgDate of Formal receipt: 2024-04-18 00:00:00Decision number: Decision date: 2024-07-03 17:32:19Language of proceeding: Anglais