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Proceeding Order

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Main Details:

Registry number
Seoul Viosys Co., Ltd
Laser Components SAS, Photon Wave Co.,Ltd.
Order/Decision reference
Type of action
Infringement Action
Language of Proceedings
Court - Division
Court of First Instance - Paris (FR) Local Division

French Headnotes:

Conformément à la règle 113 du RdP – Durée de l’audience, le Juge-président peut fixer des délais pour les présentations orales des parties avant l’audience. According to Rule 113.1 RoP, 1. Without prejudice to the application of the principle of proportionality, the presiding judge shall endeavour to complete the oral hearing within one day. The presiding judge may set time limits for parties’ oral submissions in advance of the oral hearing.

French Keywords:

R.113 RoP. Time limits for parties' oral submissions