Breadcrumb Home News The Unified Patent Court provides an update regarding the Case Management System API opt-out process
The Unified Patent Court provides an update regarding the Case Management System API opt-out process The Unified Patent Court announces that the API opt-out process has been optimized and therefore a new set of guidelines and specifications are available for external developers dedicated to the Sunrise period. The Unified Patent Court announces that an optimized API opt-out process will be in place as of 1st of March, at the beginning of the Sunrise period.This revised process for opt-out via API will be active starting from the 2nd Sunrise practice, which will start as of 13th of February. Hence, external users will be able to test this new API opt-out process, update their system accordingly and ensure that they have sufficient preparation for the Sunrise period.All the technical and functional documentation have been updated. You will find below four documents that will guide you through the changes and modification you will need to apply in your current developments, in test environment (CERUS) and in production environment (CMS):1. The CMS A2A API user guide: UPC - CMS A2A API Documentation_v2_4 2. The JSON file for A2A call: CMS_A2A_API_swagger_v8.json 3. The CMS public API user guide: UPC-CMS Public API Documentation_v1_4 4. The JSON file for public API call: CMS_PUBLIC_API_swagger_v4.jsonThe API process for opt-out has been revised to provide the fastest response time possible to the external users. Eventually, this new process will enhance the external users experience for a better usage of the CMS APIs. These changes are implemented based on the external user’s feedback from the 1st Sunrise Practice Period.Consequently, the UPC will also extend the duration of the 2nd CMS Sunrise practice period; it will last until the end of March. In parallel with the start of the Sunrise Period, all external users can continue to test the new API process for opt-out on a dedicated test environment.Disclaimer: this communication contains information and requirements that only applies for the CMS opt-out process. Download EN pdf Download JSON Download EN pdf Download JSON