EPO and UPC sign agreement data exchange The exchange of patent-related data will be an important element in establishing the Unified Patent Court’s user-friendly case management system. How to authenticate to the CMS system - Update Unified Patent Court provides more information about the new authentication mode and electronic signature. Unified Patent Court judicial appointments and Presidium elections Today, the Unified Patent Court confirms the appointment of a total of 85 judges (34 legally qualified judges and 51 technically qualified judges) to take up their duties as of the entry into force of the UPC Agreement. Latest state of play in view of the launch of the Unified Patent Court The UPC Preparatory team is excited to share the implementation roadmap attached. This roadmap depicts all the key activities and milestones of the UPC in the coming months. The entry into force of the UPC Agreement is currently planned for 1 April 2023, with the Court opening its doors and starting to receive cases as from that date. The Administrative Committee takes significant steps towards the setting up of the Unified Patent Court On 8 July 2022, the Administrative Committee of the Unified Patent Court (UPC) held its second meeting, which took place largely onsite in Luxembourg with the participation of all Contracting Member States and observers. In addition to those observers already admitted in the context of the Administrative Committee’s inaugural meeting on 22 February 2022, a number of observer organisations have now also been admitted pursuant Article 5(7) of the Committee’s Rules of Procedure, namely: epi, EPLAW, EPLIT and BusinessEurope. Die vorläufige Bewerbungsphase und der erwartete Zeitplan des UPC Nach den Eröffnungssitzungen des Verwaltungs-, Haushalts- und Beratungsausschusses Ende Februar werden die Arbeiten zur Vorbereitung des Einheitlichen Patentgerichts (UPC) fortgesetzt. UPC medical and social security plan - call for tender A call for tenders for the provision of medical and social services is launched today, with a view to set up the Unified Patent Court’s Medical and Social security Plan. UPC Budget Committee holds inaugural meeting Last week, following the UPC Administrative Committee, the UPC Budget Committee was also convened in Luxembourg, in the form of a hybrid meeting. Announcement on the Unified Patent Court Administrative Committee’s inaugural meeting Yesterday, 22 February 2022, a historical step in the setting up of the Unified Patent Court was taken when the Court’s Administrative Committee held its inaugural meeting in Luxembourg, at the seat of the Court of Appeal and the Registry. Austria closes the loop – the Protocol on Provisional Application of the UPC Agreement has entered into force Austria was the first Member State to ratify the UPC Agreement and yesterday the loop was closed when it deposited its instrument of ratification of the Protocol on Provisional Application of the UPC Agreement. As such, Austria is now the thirteenth Member State to participate in the provisional application of the UPC Agreement. Seitennummerierung Erste Seite « Anfang Vorherige Seite ‹‹ … Seite 5 Seite 6 Seite 7 Seite 8 Seite 9 Seite 10 Seite 11 Aktuelle Seite 12 Seite 13 Nächste Seite ›› Letzte Seite Ende »
EPO and UPC sign agreement data exchange The exchange of patent-related data will be an important element in establishing the Unified Patent Court’s user-friendly case management system.
How to authenticate to the CMS system - Update Unified Patent Court provides more information about the new authentication mode and electronic signature.
Unified Patent Court judicial appointments and Presidium elections Today, the Unified Patent Court confirms the appointment of a total of 85 judges (34 legally qualified judges and 51 technically qualified judges) to take up their duties as of the entry into force of the UPC Agreement.
Latest state of play in view of the launch of the Unified Patent Court The UPC Preparatory team is excited to share the implementation roadmap attached. This roadmap depicts all the key activities and milestones of the UPC in the coming months. The entry into force of the UPC Agreement is currently planned for 1 April 2023, with the Court opening its doors and starting to receive cases as from that date.
The Administrative Committee takes significant steps towards the setting up of the Unified Patent Court On 8 July 2022, the Administrative Committee of the Unified Patent Court (UPC) held its second meeting, which took place largely onsite in Luxembourg with the participation of all Contracting Member States and observers. In addition to those observers already admitted in the context of the Administrative Committee’s inaugural meeting on 22 February 2022, a number of observer organisations have now also been admitted pursuant Article 5(7) of the Committee’s Rules of Procedure, namely: epi, EPLAW, EPLIT and BusinessEurope.
Die vorläufige Bewerbungsphase und der erwartete Zeitplan des UPC Nach den Eröffnungssitzungen des Verwaltungs-, Haushalts- und Beratungsausschusses Ende Februar werden die Arbeiten zur Vorbereitung des Einheitlichen Patentgerichts (UPC) fortgesetzt.
UPC medical and social security plan - call for tender A call for tenders for the provision of medical and social services is launched today, with a view to set up the Unified Patent Court’s Medical and Social security Plan.
UPC Budget Committee holds inaugural meeting Last week, following the UPC Administrative Committee, the UPC Budget Committee was also convened in Luxembourg, in the form of a hybrid meeting.
Announcement on the Unified Patent Court Administrative Committee’s inaugural meeting Yesterday, 22 February 2022, a historical step in the setting up of the Unified Patent Court was taken when the Court’s Administrative Committee held its inaugural meeting in Luxembourg, at the seat of the Court of Appeal and the Registry.
Austria closes the loop – the Protocol on Provisional Application of the UPC Agreement has entered into force Austria was the first Member State to ratify the UPC Agreement and yesterday the loop was closed when it deposited its instrument of ratification of the Protocol on Provisional Application of the UPC Agreement. As such, Austria is now the thirteenth Member State to participate in the provisional application of the UPC Agreement.