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Application Order

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Main Details:

Registry number
Curio Bioscience Inc.
10x Genomics, Inc.
Order/Decision reference
Type of action
Application RoP262A
Language of Proceedings
Court - Division
Court of Appeal - Luxembourg (LU)

English Headnotes:

A non-appealed order by the Court of First Instance pursuant to R.262A RoP that restricts access to certain information or evidence to specific persons, unless otherwise stated in the order, continues to apply after the proceedings, and therefore applies also to the appeal proceedings. There is no need for a new order pursuant to R.262A RoP if the same information or evidence that is already protected by a R.262A RoP order is contained in another statement or document lodged in the appeal proceedings.

English Keywords:

R. 262A RoP – protection of confidential information