Main Details: Registry number App_35055/2024 Date 19 June, 2024 Parties ICPillar LLC Order/Decision reference ORD_36664/2024 Type of action Generic application Language of Proceedings English Court - Division Court of Appeal - Luxembourg (LU) English Headnotes: - Article 74 UPCA generally allows the Court of Appeal to decide, at a motivated request, that an order shall be given suspensive effect. Orders as meant in R.220.2 RoP are not excepted from this. In case of a conflict between the UPCA and the RoP, the provisions of the UPCA prevail (R.1.1 RoP). The Court of Appeal therefore considers that granting suspensive effect to an order pursuant to R.220.2 RoP is possible pursuant to Art. 74(1) UPCA, notwithstanding R.223.5 RoP. - Given the clear principle underlying Art. 74(1) UPCA and R.223.5 RoP, that proceedings before the Court of First Instance must as much as possible continue unhindered by any (procedural) appeals, the Court of Appeal shall only give suspensive effect to appealed orders under exceptional circumstances, especially if such order concerns an order as meant in R.220.2 RoP English Keywords: Suspensive effect, expedition of the appeal Back to Decisions and Orders
Main Details: Registry number App_35055/2024 Date 19 June, 2024 Parties ICPillar LLC Order/Decision reference ORD_36664/2024 Type of action Generic application Language of Proceedings English Court - Division Court of Appeal - Luxembourg (LU) English Headnotes: - Article 74 UPCA generally allows the Court of Appeal to decide, at a motivated request, that an order shall be given suspensive effect. Orders as meant in R.220.2 RoP are not excepted from this. In case of a conflict between the UPCA and the RoP, the provisions of the UPCA prevail (R.1.1 RoP). The Court of Appeal therefore considers that granting suspensive effect to an order pursuant to R.220.2 RoP is possible pursuant to Art. 74(1) UPCA, notwithstanding R.223.5 RoP. - Given the clear principle underlying Art. 74(1) UPCA and R.223.5 RoP, that proceedings before the Court of First Instance must as much as possible continue unhindered by any (procedural) appeals, the Court of Appeal shall only give suspensive effect to appealed orders under exceptional circumstances, especially if such order concerns an order as meant in R.220.2 RoP English Keywords: Suspensive effect, expedition of the appeal Back to Decisions and Orders