Main Details: Registry number App_56176/2024 Date 9 January, 2025 Parties ITCiCo Spain S.L. Order/Decision reference ORD_58414/2024 Type of action Generic application Language of Proceedings English Court - Division Court of First Instance - Paris (FR) Central Division - Seat English Headnotes: Rule 356 (2) ‘RoP’, insofar as it requires an explanation of the default, shall be interpreted to mean that the applicant must demonstrate that they were unable to comply with peremptory time limits or to appear at the oral hearing at which they were summoned (except as provided for in Rule 116 and 117 ‘RoP’) due to reasons beyond their control and therefore that the default is not attributable to their own fault but was caused by unforeseeable circumstances or force majeure. English Keywords: decision by default Back to Decisions and Orders
Main Details: Registry number App_56176/2024 Date 9 January, 2025 Parties ITCiCo Spain S.L. Order/Decision reference ORD_58414/2024 Type of action Generic application Language of Proceedings English Court - Division Court of First Instance - Paris (FR) Central Division - Seat English Headnotes: Rule 356 (2) ‘RoP’, insofar as it requires an explanation of the default, shall be interpreted to mean that the applicant must demonstrate that they were unable to comply with peremptory time limits or to appear at the oral hearing at which they were summoned (except as provided for in Rule 116 and 117 ‘RoP’) due to reasons beyond their control and therefore that the default is not attributable to their own fault but was caused by unforeseeable circumstances or force majeure. English Keywords: decision by default Back to Decisions and Orders