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Application Order

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Main Details:

Registry number
Supponor Oy
Order/Decision reference
Type of action
Generic application
Language of Proceedings
Court - Division
Court of First Instance - Helsinki (FI) Local Division

English Headnotes:

The Court may add a party to the case when the right of defence of defendants, including the new party, are sufficiently guaranteed (R. 305 RoP). When considering the leave to amend the case or to change the claims (R. 263 RoP) the risk of irreconcilable and inconsistent decisions from different courts favours allowing the changes but at the same time protecting the frontloaded procedure of the UPC and the rights of the defendants to defend themselves must be the leading principles. The amendments to the case must be explained in R. 263 RoP application but can be detailed in an appendix.

English Keywords:

Leave to change claim or amend case, Leave to change claim or amend case

French Headnotes:


German Headnotes:


French Keywords:


German Keywords:
