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Procedural Order

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Main Details:

Case number
Aarke AB
SodaStream Industries Ltd.
Order/Decision reference
Type of action
Generic application
Language of Proceedings
Court - Division
Court of First Instance - Düsseldorf (DE) Local Division


An application according to Art. 49 (5) UPCA and Rule 323.1 RoP can be made at any time until the Statement of Defence has to be lodged according to Rule 23 RoP – 2. An Application lodged in English and not returned by the Registry can be admissible as provided by R. 7.1 RoP, it is for the Court to decide on a case-by-case basis whether an application pursuant to R. 323 lodged in a different language is to be rejected or not – 3. he decision whether or not to change the language of the proceedings into the language in which the patent was granted shall be determined with regard to the respective interests at stake, the situation of the Defendant requires a particular consideration in the event that a SME is sued before the court in light of the legal frame provided by the UCPA taking into account the situation faced by small and medium-sized enterprises.


language of the proceedings R. 323 RoP – admissibility and merits of the Application