Breadcrumb Home News Minister for Justice Mr Gunnar Strömmer visits UPC Nordic Baltic Regional Division
Minister for Justice Mr Gunnar Strömmer visits UPC Nordic Baltic Regional Division The Swedish Minister for Justice Mr Gunnar Strömmer visited the Nordic-Baltic Regional Division of the Unified Patent Court On 2 October, the Swedish Minister for Justice Mr Gunnar Strömmer visited the Nordic-Baltic Regional Division of the UPC. Sweden is a strong ally of the Unitary patent system and the Minister was keen to follow up on the developments since the system entered into force during the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The Minister was informed by the Presiding judge of the division, Mr Stefan Johansson about case development and current administrative issues. He also got to meet and exchange with almost all Swedish judges and clerks at the Regional Division, as well as with the UPC Registrar Mr Alexander Ramsay and the Court of Appeal judge Ms Ingeborg Simonsson, joining online from Luxembourg.The importance of an efficient and well-trusted processes in commercial disputes was discussed, as well as the connection between judicial cooperation and reform and questions on Europe’s general competitiveness.ImageAndreas Gustafsson (technically qualified judge), Johanna Mikkola Jäghammar (clerk), Kerstin Roselinger (technically qualified judge), Patrik Rydman (technically qualified judge), Gunnar Strömmer (Minister of Justice), Stefan Johansson (Presiding jugde), Anna Hedberg (technically qualified judge), Anette Skalmark (clerk), Isabel Pais Iglesias (clerk), Alexander Ramsay (Registrar), Göran Bonnevier (IT)ImageAnna Hedberg (technically qualified judge), Louise Petrelius (Senior legal adviser at the Swedish Ministry of Justice), Marcus Granlund (political adviser to the Minister), Gunnar Strömmer (Minister for Justice), Stefan Johansson (legally qualified judge and Presiding judge) and Ingeborg Simonsson (on screen, legally qualified judge)