Breadcrumb Home News Information on new CMS Functionality – possibility to self-correct representative’s data
Information on new CMS Functionality – possibility to self-correct representative’s data Users are informed that a functionality is now available on the CMS to correct/update representative data In order to cater to the need of users who may require, in certain instances, to update representative’s data as entered on the CMS, the following functionality is now available: “Application to change the details of a representative in a pending case pursuant to RgR16.1(b)”. Please note that with this functionality, it is possible to bothCorrect/update information as entered when filing a registration as representative before the Court;Correct/update information as entered regarding representation in pending cases before the Court. Please note this procedure is not meant to replace any request for change of representative under RoP293.A guide on the user of this functionality is hereby provided: Download EN pdf