Case Number: ACT_578697/2023 Patent number: EP2089230 - FLUID EJECTION DEVICE WITH DATA SIGNAL LATCH CIRCUITRY,EP1737669 - FLUID EJECTION DEVICEProceeding type: ProceedingAction/Application: Infringement ActionClaimants: HEWLETT-PACKARD DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, L.P Represented by Grégoire DESROUSSEAUXDefendants: LAMA FRANCE Represented by Henri BOURGEOISJudges: Camille LignieresCarine GilletPeter TochtermannStefanie PhilippsCourt Division: First instance, Local division - ParisDate of Formal receipt: 2023-10-11 00:00:00Decision number: Decision date: 2024-11-13 16:01:10Language of proceeding: French